Chapter 01 - She's Back

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"It's been six months since we've last seen Ace. Didn't you think we should've paid her a visit?" I asked.

Right now, Barbara Felton, Evonne Yaxley, Elle Dandelotte, and I, Sahara Preston are sitting at our table in the cafeteria.

Our table is not just any table. Our table just happens to be where the cool kids hang out. By cool kids, I mean our clique.

The clique consists of 12 members including Ace, me, the three idiots I mentioned earlier, and 7 other girls. We were like an extended version of mean girls but not mean—I'm so bad at this, but you get the picture right?

"Dunno, I think it'd be better if we left her with her thoughts. She wouldn't like it if she sees you anyway. Ruins her day, I'm sure of that." Barbie snickered.

I take that back, this here, Barbara Felton, is the living devil. She likes saying "You're ugly" and "If I had a dick I'd stab you with it. I really wish to have a dick" and some low class shit like that. Well, she's not as feminine as her name. She likes punching walls and kicking everyone's private part. Everyone's scared of her, maybe because she acts like a douche and would do anything to ruin your life.

I would also say that Barbie Felton is my best friend.

"I miss her." Elle muttered for the third time now, and we kept on saying "us too".

Elle Dandelotte is not very complex when it comes to her personality. It's either being super sweet or being super mean and savage, there's no in between. She could also be very straightforward and stuff. Elle Dandelotte is Ace Rosier's right-hand kinda friend. Ace loves scheming with this witch.

"I think I want to poop but I couldn't. You know—like when you just feel like pooping but you don't really need to take a shit because there ain't no shit that's gonna come out?" Eve said, looking really problematic about it.

That one's Evonne Yaxley, who may seem very slow and ignorant, always talking nonsense and stuff. She's actually a really smart girl. I could say she's the smartest. She knows quite alot of stuff & she has a strong sense of humor—making her a member of The Clique. She sleeps 99% of the time at class but still maintains being the Top 1 student. Quite the joker, she pops out of nowhere in a dramatic situation and says an inspirational quote, then comes back to where she was sleeping.
She comes along well with all of us in The Clique and she's everyone's friend.

We were all finished eating our lunch when the other 7 members, Nala, Bambi, Molly, River, Kiera, Macy and Lindsay took a seat with us.

"Any news about Ace?" Nala, one of the heartthrobs of The Clique, asked.

"Not yet. We're not quite sure of when she could recover, I sure do hope she's okay." I sighed. They all nodded and we continued chit-chatting and gossiping about stuff, as usual.


As soon as the bell rang, we headed to our rooms and waited for the teacher. However—

Knock Knock

The door opened and we all thought it was Mrs. Chessy, our English Literature Teacher. When I saw it was someone else, I beamed.

"ACE!! YOU'RE FINALLY HERE!" Everyone cheered and tried to hug her, but she just continued walking towards an empty seat with nothing but a blank expression on her face.

I thought it wasn't a good idea to frolick happily around her. I gave everyone a 'don't' look, shaking my head sideways and giving them a sharp glance. They all came back to their seats and at that moment, Mrs. Chessy arrived.

I jerked my head to my right, to Barbie's seat, and whispered.

"She's back."

Author's Note

Hi! Sorry for the short chap. If there's any grammatical errors and stuff, leave a comment 😊
There'll be many POV's here, but of course most of them are Ace's.

Love ya'll xx

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