Chapter 00 - Empty

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Crashing. My world came crashing down at me when everything happened all at once.

My brother Avery decided to pass away 8 hours after I knew about his comatose. I spent every second of the day of the week, sulking and weeping, thinking of all the things I did wrong and I didn't do. I thought of every decision I made and how wrong those were. I also had my mind filled with regrets & the things I should've done when I still had them. Everything sad & depressing was the only ones in my vocabulary.

But then I thought I'd be alright, I still have some people with me. I have Sara, Barbie, Eve and Elle, friends I trust the most. I also have my boyfriend Alex with me. Maybe he could somehow ease the pain.

Ding Dong

I ordered my new nanny, Honor, to see who it was.
My aunt insisted on getting me a nanny to 'take care' of me right after the incident. She couldn't take the responsibility 'cuz she has 7 kids and all of them were loud & unruly, she sees me 'undeserving' to witness their loud mouths and hard heads.


Alex Steele is my first "real" boyfriend. I met him at school and became friends, then we clicked.
Alex Steele is standing by the doorframe of my bedroom.

"Hi, Alex." I said and gathered all my energy to muster up the sweetest smile I could give.

He let out a small, worried smile and walked to my bed, sitting beside me.

"You okay?" he asked and cupped my cheek.

"Yeah.. Gotta accept everything right?" I sighed and let out a fake laugh.

"Please accept my apology then.." Alex looked at me, then his hand let go of my cheek.

"What do you mea—" I furrowed my brows.

"I'm sorry Ace.. I-I'm breaking up with you."

Those 5 words were enough to send daggers through my sides and make my body weak in the process.

But I, Ace Rosier, could act strong—I guess, to hear him out.

"Care for a drink?" was all I could say to him. He looked at me as if I grew another head or something.

I went to my Mom's minibar and poured myself some whiskey. He looked at me, worried.

"And why are you breaking up with me?" I asked smugly, with no hint of malice whatsoever.

"My dad.. H-he had me in an arranged marriage and he wanted me to cut ties with whoever I was dating right now." He said in a nervous tone.

What a jerk.

To break up with someone who's suffered loss just 8 days ago. God, I feel numb! What else do I have to lose huh?

"Your dad must be oldschool." I shot another glass of whiskey. "We're in the 21st century, and he's still in the idea of arranged marriages."

"He said it was for the company." was all he said. I looked at him and his eyes were full of guilt.

"Right." I drank another shot.

Honor popped out of nowhere and snatched my glass away from me.

"Ma'am, alcohol's not good for you." Honor said with worry.

"My health is the last thing I care about right now Honor. I need this to lessen the pain I'm feeling." I got another shotglass and filled it up. "Ask this douche, he made the pain a hundred times worse, and now I got nothing else to lose." I said smugly as I tipped my glass to Alex's direction.

"I'm so sorry—" Alex tried to reach for my hand.

"Get the fuck out of here." I said in a wobbly voice. I can't look at him straight in the eyes and make him stay. The last thing I wanted to show right now was vulnerability.

He gave a sorry look and headed out the door.

I headed to my room and did what I was best at doing these past few days.

Sulk and weep.

I feel so broken I could throw myself out of the window and say bye to the world anytime now.

I want the pain I'm feeling right now to be sucked out permanently. I guess it can't because I just lost the 2 people I loved the most, and lost another one whom I thought was worth it.

That jerk. He doubled what I thought was the fullest extent of my misery.

I feel like killing myself, but I thought I still had a purpose to live and go on.
Though my aunt had all the investigations about the killer handled, I want to take part in finding out who it was.

And to top that off, I want Alex Steele to feel the pain I'm feeling right now. Not yet, but soon.

I'll do the mission after I've recovered.


As if the heavens answered my prayers,
I, Ace Rosier, could proudly annouce:


I guess I felt tired of crying everyday and feeling the throbbing pain living in my heart, every day, for 6 months. I ran out of tears and ran out of emotions as well.

I've decided to accept Mommy and Avery's death. It happened for a reason and I'm going to find out that reason.

The pain was indefinite, but I can't feel it anymore.

Author's Note

Hi! Thank you for reading this chapter hehehe I really appreciate it. This story could be a bit dull at first, because of Ace's situation—don't expect this story to brighten up right away. Don't worry, after a few chaps everything will be sunny & positive-ish.
Don't forget to vote, it supplies me my daily dose of inspiration!! 😘

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