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Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been really busy and stuff, k , bye bye

The two men in black moved to lower Pietro's casket into the ground, Wanda watched on, her heart breaking the same way it did when he died. The funeral had been held to bring the team back together in a way, there was no body for Wanda's brother, and there was an awkward aura in the air before the funeral started, this was because of the Civil War that has happened a few months ago. The casket disappeared from sight and the men moved away, the team went into the church, for the reception. Wanda stayed outside, crumpling to her knees and sobbing uncontrollably. Some team members wanted to help her, but didn't think they could, or were too worried she would use her powers on them. Bucky scoffed, what idiots, how could they just leave her, even Steve left, James was appalled. Bucky didn't wear a suit, no one did, just anything they could really find that was vaguely formal, for him, that meant a nice jumper and some jeans. He walked towards Wanda and crouched behind her, putting a hand on her shoulder. He suddenly felt the urge to cry, his heart hurt and then he realised Wanda was subconsciously transferring some of her pain to him. He whispered soothing Russian words in her ear in an attempt to get her to stand up before they both froze to death in the freezing snowy temperature. After who knows how long, she stood up, wiping her eyes.
"I'm sorry." She mumbled quietly and he was surprised.
"For what?"
"For giving you my pain, it's something I can't control." She said, tears still silently slipping down her face. Bucky stopped, put his hands on her shoulders and bent down a little so he was looking into her eyes.
"Wanda, doll, it's fine, if you need me to help carry your burden, I will, you help me carry mine, so it's the least I can do." He said and she nodded, he held her hand in his as they walked into the church. Once they got inside, they found it empty and Wanda wondered how long they had been outside for if everyone had gone, she shivered a little and Bucky noticed. He slipped of his jumper and handed it too her, she tried to smile but failed miserably.
"God, he really is gone." She said and Bucky didn't know what to say, instead, he pulled her into a hug, she clearly needed it. She clung to his shirt and tried to will away all the grief that was in her heart, her brother was never, ever, ever coming back, and it hurt like Hell.

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