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Ok, so, I've just rewatched Civil War and I noticed something.
So there's a scene when Steve and Tony are arguing, just after Black Panther, Steve and Bucky chase after each other. Basically Tony is trying to convince Steve to join his side. After a few tries at convincing his 'friend' that signing the Accords will help the Avengers fit into normal life better. But when Steve argues back, Tony makes a dirty move: he includes other people in the argument. But other people, I mean he takes a direct shot at Wanda. He says something along the lines of
'America doesn't give citizenships to weapons of mass destruction.' And I feel like that's the moment when Steve loses it. He realises that agreeing with Tony is completely out of the picture now (not that is wasn't already). He realises this because Tony has just taken a shot a one of his team members, one of the Avengers. And not just anyone, he took a shot at Wanda. Of all people he could have accused of being a 'weapon of mass destruction' he accused her. Wanda, who is new to the team, Wanda who has spent most of her life in grief, Wanda, who's parents were killed by a bomb that Tony made, and then her twin brother was killed by a maniacal robot that Tony invented and made. When Tony says this, Steve realises that his former team member is not worried about doing whatever it takes to get his way. I think that Tony specifically took a shot at Wanda, because he knows that Steve can relate to her and that Steve has a soft spot for the women on his team. And by 'Steve being able to relate to Wanda' what I mean is, the parallels are quite similar. Ok, so do you remember after Steve found out who the twins were (in AOU) how Marie said 'File says they volunteered for the experiments, that's nuts' and Steve just responds with 'Yeah, volunteering to be experimented on by a German scientist to help their country, crazy.' See that? Steve can relate to Wanda, because he knows exactly how she feels. She volunteered for an experiment in the hopes of saving her country, she lost someone close to her and she's never getting him back. Steve understands. And I think that Steve knows that Tony knows this. So he has suddenly seen a side of Tony that he didn't know existed: the side that is willing to put down weaker people to get what he wants. But I do think that this side of Tony isn't really part of who he was in Civil War, but who he used to be: a rich kid with no worries and a dicky attitude.

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