
705 75 13

may 12th


the shouting and screaming wouldn't stop and even though it was muffled and distant, it felt like someone was hammering against kicki's brain. she tried to ignore it. she tossed and turned, put a pillow over her head, put earphones and turned the music up, anything just to ignore it. but she couldn't.

even if the sound died down, she couldn't help the knot tying in her stomach, the image of the couple fighting clear in front of her eyes, like she was witnessing it herself. she wished she could just go and yell, make them see that the miscommunication was ruining their relationship. she wasn't an expert but she knew that much.

she thought about it, just going there and telling them to stop because it was too absurd. and it was ruining the much needed sleep hours for her.

with a groan, she pushed the covers off of her body and yanked the earphones out, running a hand through her hair. it didn't stop. there were a rare few moments where it would and it would seem calm and over but then there would be muffled voices, their tone raising until it was yelling once again.

and that kind of silence fell once again. kicki could feel her ears perk up, trying to pick any sound from the next door nervously. she really hoped that they settled it somehow. but the door opening and slamming shut just seconds later was enough to prove her wrong.

without even realizing it, she was already on her feet, making her way to her front door, squinting through the peephole. it didn't surprise her, of course. kicki opened the door without hesitation, aware that she was standing there with a gross oversized t-shirt and gross, old shorts. it wasn't like yoongi was in any state to acknowledge that.

his eyes were fixed on the door, one hand placed against the wall and it seemed like he was having an inner argument with himself, his fists clenched tightly. kicki actually thought about going back, she really didn't want to deal with angry guys and the fact that he didn't seem to even notice her only helped with that.

but it also worried her. his posture was stiff and he seemed really tense but the whole situation also made him look completely hopeless and kicki was already standing there so she might as well try to help.

''yoongi?'' she called quietly, afraid that her voice might startle him.

but he only grunted in response, loud enough to let her know that he acknowledged her presence.

kicki frowned, scratching the back of her neck, her eyes focused on him. ''are you okay?'' she asked slowly as she crossed her arms over her chest.

another grunt came as a response and maybe that was a cue for her to leave it, just let him be. but he turned his head to the side slightly, just glancing over at her and she could clearly see his bloodshot eyes and the smell that suddenly hit her as she, once again, made a few steps closer without realizing it, made it obvious.

''you're drunk.''

'' 'm fine.'' he mumbled.

which turned out to be complete bullshit as he tried to straighten his back and push himself back from the wall, stumbling over his feet and having to support his body against the wall once again. and this time, maybe kicki could see why they fought and why yoongi ended up in front of yeeun's door again. nevertheless, being the nice person that she is, she kicked yoongi's leg, making him look up at her and she pointed at her open door.

''come on.'' she said simply, already moving over to help him.

''no, no. seriously.'' he said, clearing his throat to chase away the hoarseness of his voice. ''i'm good. i'll just go home.''

doors; yoongiWhere stories live. Discover now