Chapter 1

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A beautiful day in Pokemon City.Everyone's out of their homes and went for an outing and relaxing.A Treecko who live in a tree,relaxed as he layed down on the branch.

(Treecko's POV)

I rested my eyes until I heard rustling in a nearby bush.It was my berry bush.I saw a pokemon taking my berries.

"Hey! Those are my berries!"I shouted as I jumped down of my tree.

"Hm?"It turned it's head towards me.

"Sorry! I'll just fo look for berries outside of town."It said to me as it bowed it's head and dropped the basket full of berries.

Outside the city? There are many Beedrills guarding the berry forest.I need to keep people safe.I ran over to her and picked up the basket and gave it to her.

"Thank you very much! Mr.."It said happily as it showed me the basket but didn't mention my name.

"Treecko."I replied keeping my cool.

"Cool name!"It replied using it's fan-like hands to make a thumbs up,I blushed at this action.

"I'm Snivy."It said.

"I better go,if you need to find me I'm at Fennekin's pokepuff bakery."Snivy said.

"Okay."I replied and watched as the fellow grass-type walk away.I went up back to my tree and relaxed again.I'm planning on visiting her later as I sigh.

(Snivy's POV)

I walked through town and I reached Fennekin's pokepuff bakery.

"Hey Fennekin! I got your berries!" I shouted over to Fennekin who runs this place.

"Snivy! Thank you very much.Here's a pokepuff,you can get to the counter now."Fennekin said giving me a pokepuff which is light green,dark green frosting and yellow candy stars.

"Alright.I will."I said putting on my usual face as I rolled my eyes holding the pokepuff.

"Ring!"The bell of our door rang.

I heard the guest approach as I hear the door open.

"Hello and welcome to Fennekin's pokepuff bakery,how may I help you?" I asked the customer.I was shocked who the customer,it was Treecko,the pokemon I met earlier.

"Hi Snivy." He greeted keeping his cool.

"Hey Treecko,what brings you here." I asked putting my free arm on the counter.

"I came to see you and getting a pokepuff.I'm pretty starving."He replied.

"Okay,then what would you like?" I asked holding up my notepad waiting for him to order.

"I'd like a light green pokepuff with dark green frosting and yellow candy stars.

"Okay."I said while I was writing the order down on my notepad and after I did I went into the kitchen.

"Hey Fennekin,here's an order."I said as I approach Fennekin.I watched her as she red the order.

"Okay."She said getting started making the pokepuffs right away.

I went out of the kitchen and returned to the counter.I waited for 3 minutes and soon,Fennekin was holding a plate with the pokepuff on top of it.

"Here you go."She said turning back into the kitchen.I went over and served the plate to Treecko.

"Thanks Snivy."He said eating the pokepuff slowly and I went back to the counter to give him some privacy.

Then later,I saw he was done.I gave the bill to him which costs 10 Poke.He paid me and he gave me a letter.

I opened it and it says:

Hi Snivy,
I was wondering if you wanna come over later? I want to get to know you better.You're the only friend I have.So please come over? If not then I won't force you to come.


I put the note back into the envelope and asked for Fennekin if I can go to his house.

"Why? Is he your boyfriend?"Fennekin asked smirking at me,I thought I was the smug.

"N-No,He's just a friend of mine."I said with a tint of pink appeared on my cheeks.

"Oh,okay then."She said nodding and went back to the kitchen.

I got my bag and headed out.


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:3 --Melxia3300--

P.S. Next Chapter will be Fennekin x Froakie.Please be patient,these things need time. Arigato! (Thank you!)

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