Chapter 2

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(Fennekin's POV)

I can handle this bakery besides I have co-workers,since Snivy is on a date with her boyfriend,and the thought of that makes me giggle.

"RING!" The bell of our door rang once again which means another customer had arrived.I hurried to the counter and I'm ready to take some orders.I took my notepad and looked straight to the customer.

"Hello Mister, what would you like to order?"I asked putting on my bright smile like I usually do.

"Can I order a cutie pie?" He said.

"Wh-What?!" I blushed furiously.

"*chuckles* Anyways, 2 blue poke puffs with oran berry whipped cream and with oran berry slices." He said.

"C-Coming right up." I stuttered stil blushing madly, I went into the kitchen,washed my hands and put on my cute floral pattern apron.

~7 minutes later~

"And done!" I said happily as I placed the last toppings on the poke puffs.I rushed out of the kitchen with a silver tray with the two poke puffs.I went to the pokemon's table and served him his poke puffs.

"Here you go,Mister." I said placing back my huge bright smile.

"You can call me Froakie." He said.

"Alright." I answered.

"Um...Can I just have this as take out?" Froakie asked while I chuckled for a bit.

"Alright,but you have to pay first." I said with a cheeky little grin.

"Fine." He says giving me 30 poke which costs more than the poke puff's price.

"Froakie,the poke puffs only costs 10 poke,since you ordered 2,it should just be 20 poke." I said.

"Keep the change." He said with a smile curving onto his lips.

"Thank you,Mist- I mean Froakie." I said.

"No problem." He said with a wink, that made me blush a little.

"Well, I better go back to the counter,more people are coming inside." I said rubbing my head with my paw.

"Alright,but can we see eachother soon? If you're not busy with work." Froakie says as I notice him blush a little.

"Oh! Um..Sure! ,you can visit me here anytime." I said.

"Bye!" He waved at me as he opened the door and went out as I waved silently.

"So? How'd it go?" My co-worker a Sylveon said with a wide devious smirk across her face.

"GAH! How long have you been watching?" I jolted as I was suprised.

"Long enough." She answered.

"Well,you could say it was a piece of cake." I said as I chuckle.

"Fennekin, that was so cheesy." Sylveon said giggling.

"Okay enough with the puns, someone might PUN-ch us for making food puns." I said.

~Time Skip to 7:04 P.M~

I switched the open sign into a close sign,then I walked home with Sylveon since we're neighbors afterall.

"Have you seen Snivy? I haven't seen her since this morning." Sylveon asked while we were walking down the street.

"Well,she is on a date with her boyfriend." I said as I giggled.

"You're someday going on a date too,with that Froakie earlier,it's how the world works." She said slightly smirking towards me, I blushed at her action.I avoided to make eye contact with her to hide my blushing.

"Welp,here's my stop,good night Fennekin." She said pulling out her keys and unlocking her door as she waved with her ribbons,and I waved back.

"Night Sylveon." I muttered under my breath. I unlocked the door of my house and locked it to prevent any theives coming in.

I went straight to my bedroom and laid down on my bed,closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

~Time Skip to 12:10~

I woke up from a very bad dream, I looked over to my bedroom clock and it says " 12:11",then I started thinking of that Froakie I met. I shook away my thoughts as I know I was blushing, I put aside my thought then I went back to sleep.


Hey guys,sorry if this chapter is so short cause the story has 720 words if it dosen't count this one.But I have been distarcted by school and a fandom distracting me as well. *cough* *cough* Undertale *cough*. I have been distracted by those things, maybe you thought I was dead or something,but that can't happen cause I'm still 11 years old, I turned 11,3 months ago. Hehe, I'll try to keep in touch. *Inserts Megalovania music* Yay! I'm gonna have a GOOD time listening to this one, hearing this song fills me with determination! ;3


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