Chapter 4

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(Fennekin's POV)

I smiled slightly at Treecko and Froakie's battle, it's seems they're getting along. I feel their determination is strong on this battle, although they did just met. As looked at Froakie, I saw he winked at me. I blushed madly at his action, then I felt Snivy's fan-like hands on my forehead.

"S-Snivy? Wh-What are you d-doing?" I asked as I kept blushing.

"Fennekin do you have a fever or something?" Snivy checked, I sweatdropped at her action. "Huh... I guess your fever went down.." She said.

I turned back to the battle and saw them in a battle position. Treecko taunted Froakie for him to make the first move then I saw Froakie smirk slightly. Froakie then used Double Team by creating multiple copies of himself scattered almost everywhere on his side of the battlefield. Treecko was a bit confused on which Froakie to hit so he used Pound on each one, but everything he hit was just a copy.

Then, I saw an orb of water coming straight into Treecko's direction, Treecko's eyes widen then got a direct hit. Though as the smoke cloud cleared Treecko was still standing.

"Heh, You can't take me down that easily.." He said panting heavily.

"Let's see about that.." Froakie's smirk grew wider as he launched a Water Pulse at Treecko. Treecko then evaded the attack with Bullet Seed, he started shooting multiple amounts of seeds from his mouth. Then, when he was busy handling the Water Pulse, he was hit by Froakie's cut.

As he hit his opponent, he found Treecko fainted on the battlefield. I started jumping and cheering for him as my bright smile became brighter. I looked at Snivy and she was curving her lips into a slight smile then started approaching Treecko.

(Snivy's POV)

I started making my way towards a disappointed Treecko. I started patting his back while still putting on a little smile.

"You did your best Treecko, I'm proud of you." I said, still comforting my friend.

"Why are you proud of me even though I've lost..?" He asked as he turned his head towards me.

"Because you gave it all you've got. Even if you made a mistake. Mistakes help you improve, someday you might get better at battling, I just know it..." I still smiled knowing what my older sister told me before the day she left this city. ( A/N: Snivy's older sister and Fennekin's mom are gonna be included in this story in the later chapters.) I tried my best not to cry but failed. I still kept thinking about my older sister leaving without me as I keep wiping away my tears from my eyes. Soon, I felt warmth surrounding me, I saw that Treecko was hugging me. I returned the hug and cried on his shoulder.

(Fennekin's POV)

"Well that escalated quickly.." I muttered smiling and looking at Treecko and Snivy.

"You could say that again.."  Froakie said while hopping up on the bench then plumped right beside me. I slightly blushed but still kept smiling.

I looked at the sunset that was slowly sinking and the moon was rising, it was turning to night so I jumped off the bench and started walking back to the bakeshop. I got my things and was ready to go home.

I walked back to the battlefield and started comforting Snivy.

" It's time to go home.." I said slightly smiling at her.

"O-Okay.." She said as she walked back to the bakeshop and started fixing her things. Then she started walking away without me. I was supposed to walk home with Sylveon but since I was too busy watching Froakie and Treecko's battle earlier, I'm guessing she already went home.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2017 ⏰

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