Chapter 3

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(Fennekin’s POV)

I yawned cutely as the morning sun shone on my face. I looked over to my clock and it says ’6:48’. I jumped off my bed and took a bath, afterwards I dried my fur with my towel, then brushed my teeth. I packed up my materials inside my backpack which includes baking materials, my apron, my phone, and my charger. But today, I feel like I want to look different, so I brushed my ear hair and tied it into pigtail-like braids, after I finished braiding, I put on a cute pink ribbon that my mom gave me.

"... Mom.." I was still wondering about my mom, I shook away my thoughts on my mother. I went outside and went to Sylveon’s house. I rang her doorbell and she slowly opened her door.

"Morning Sylveon, are you ready to go to work?" I asked while giving her a smile.

"Yup! Let’s go!" She said as she walked outside and locked the door from the outside. We ran towards my bakeshop, and I flipped the ’close’ sign into the ’open’ sign and went to the counter along with my other co-workers which are: Liligant, Chikorita, Ralts, Dedenne, Marill, Buneary, and Flareon, which is actually Sylveon’s sister.

"RING!" The bell on our door rang. I went out of the kitchen and I checked who open the door, to my surprise it was Snivy.

"Hey Snivy!" I exclaimed happily waving my paw at her.

"Hey Fennekin, sorry I’m kinda 3 minutes late." She said rubbing her head with her fan-like hands.

"Nah, don’t worry about it, nobody actually needs to be late or early, they can attend late if they’d like, just be present at that time, me and Sylveon are always early." I said.

"Heh, alright Fennekin." She said putting her ’cool’ on. I smiled at the sight of Snivy being happy. I heard the door open and I dashed to my spot and put up my notepad.

"Welcome to Fennekin’s Bakseshop, what will you order?" I said. I feel my heart pacing fast, it was Froakie.

"Hey Fenny." He said.

"H-H-H-Hi Froakie." I stuttered, I was completely blushing. I feel someone’s watching me... I turned my head head and saw Sylveon right in front of my face.

"GAH!!" I shouted feeling the suspense. (A/N: Reminds me of a creepy clown movie)

"Are you alright?" The water-type asked. I felt my heart pumping fast.

"I-I’m fine..." I said still breathing intensely.

"Oh alright, oh!" He was surprised by the newest additions to our menu. We were now selling poke cakes, poke shortcakes, poke pancakes, poke cookies and poke pie. They were all in different flavors but it’s kinda up to the customer on the flavor of the item.

"Well, since it’s morning I’ll have a poke pancake." He said.

"Sure thing!" I said happily and I called Flareon to make the pancakes and she saluted to me, then she went to the kitchen to start baking.

"Who’s that guy?" Snivy asked turning her head towards me and I blushed furiously at her question.

"W-Well, you see-" I was cut off by one of Sylveon’s ribbon, the ribbon was covering my mouth, therefore I went silent.

"Oh, he is Fennekin’s boyfriend." I was shocked by the word ’boyfriend’. The word kept echoing in my head and I started muffling, as I did, Sylveon took her ribbon away from my mouth.

"Wow Fennekin, I just left work for one day, and you already got a boyfriend?" Snivy asked with her eyes half open.

"N-No i-it’s not that! We’re just friends!" I shouted, obviously blushing.

"Hey Fennekin! Pancake’s done!" I heard Flareon shouted from the kitchen.

"Whoops, that must be Flareon, I better go check, sorry to end this conversation, okay bye!" I excused, dashing towards the kitchen.

Oh thank Arceus, that conversation’s done! That was a little embarassing...

(Snivy’s POV)

"What’s up with her?" I asked.

"Okay, more people are coming, gotta go back to the kitchen, okay bye!" Sylveon said awkwardly running to the kitchen. I know that Sylveon was avoiding my question just now. The door was opened once more and more people came in, and then a long line ended up in front of me. I sighed and begin to take orders. I was actually shocked at the first customer of the very long line. My eyes widened as I saw Treecko.

"Hey Snivy." He greeted. I felt my face getting warmer as I pulled up my notepad.

"H-Hey T-Treecko." I awkwardly stuttered.

"I see you have some new recipes, I’ll try the poke shortcake." Treecko said snapping his fingers.

"And what flavor would you like?" I asked.

"There are actually many flavors I’d like to choose from, though I would go for the Pecha Berry flavor." He answered.

"Alright." I said as I placed the order in the notepad and gave it to my co-worker a Chikorita, then she went inside and started baking. Treecko went to find a comfortable place to eat while I kept taking orders.

~Time Skip 20 minutes later~

Everyone was seated and all orders are taken. As Treecko finished his food he went up to me and payed for the shortcake he ordered.

He started walking to the door then he bumped into Fennekin’s friend that she met yesterday.

"Sorry ’bout that." Fennekin’s friend said.

"It’s alright. Hey, you look like a strong pokemon, do you mind if I battle you." Treecko requested.

"Heh, sure." Froakie answered.

"AHEM!" I turned to look at Fennekin, seems she caught all the pokemon’s attention.

"No battling inside the bakeshop! Though, there is a battle field outside." She said.

"So, wanna take this battle outside?" Treecko advised.

"Yeah, sure." The Froakie said while following Treecko towards the battlefield.

Since me and Fennekin is done with our shift, I would suggest watching their battle.

"Hey Fennekin, wanna watch them battle?" I asked, a visible blush spread across her face.

"S-Sure thing." She said.

We both went to the battlefield and sat on a bench which was really convenient.

"You make the first move." Treecko said with a smirk.

"You’re on!" He accepted. Me and Fennekin playfully rolled our eyes and looked at eachother.

"Boys..." We said in unison.



There I updated, are you guys satisfied? I hope you are. There is a new book coming soon made by yours truly. Thank you all for helping me reach 60+ followers, a month ago I only had 50. Thank you all so much! If you really like the story, don’t forget to vote, comment, or follow!

Hope you guys stay awesome!

- Melxia_3300

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