Chapter 7

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"I think you all know us well but we are still going to introduce ourselves. Hello I am Tiny-G's Dohee and I'm going to judge on your acting skills and facial expressions." She bowed and we clapped smiling like idiots.

"Hi I'm Baek Jiyoung, I will be judging your vocal skills." We clapped again without stopping to smile.

"Hey this is Jessi, I'll judge your rap." We clapped and my cheeks started burning from smiling so much.

"Hello I am Boa and I'll judge you dance." We clapped one last time and my cheeks were really hurting. I thought they will fall of.

Before I knew it the girls started introducing themselves aswell. I kept my eyes on the judges. It still didn't seemed real to me. Suddenly someone tapped my shoulder. Why is always someone taping my shoulder when good things happen. I looked at who was taping me and that was Jiho on my right and Seora on my left. I looked at them one after another and the judges started laughing. They were more like chuckling but still it made me freeze was it a good thing that they are laughing? But why where they laughing? Did something happen?

"What is happening? OH NO did I just say that out loud?" I felt my cheeks blushing of embarassment. While everyone in the room was laughing and I didn't understand why. I just realized at that moment that our teachers where alo in the room, and of course they were also laughing. It may be a hidden camera prank. I waited that everyone calmed down so they coud explain what was going on.

"You were spazzing out while we introducing ourselves, and well it's your turn now." Seora whispered in my ear.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry. I'm Yoo Shinah." I quickly bowed.

"How old are you?" Boa asked.

"I'm 19 years old." I answered as fast as I could.

"What are you in charge of?" Baek Jiyoung inquired.

"Ah I'm in charge of dance." I replied in the speed of light. Luckily there weren't anymoer questions for me and we ended the introductions smoothly.

We went into position and did the best we could. I don't think I did any mistake during the dance break, and my voice didn't crack during my singing part. So I think that I did quite good.

We went back to stand in a line in front of judges, cameras and teachers. Like a wronlgy accused waiting for his last judgment. I was shaking from a mixture of exhaustation, anticipation and fear.

"For my part I don't know what there is to judge. I think the dance was really well made, it fitted you and your skills, and the dance break was really amazing. I think that's all I have to say." Boa was the first to voice out her opinion and she complemented our work and that made me really happy. Maybe I was now shaking of happiness.

"Same goes for me the raps were really good, you all have a good flow. Your pronounciation was really clear. And the lyrics were meaningfull. I appreciate that." Jessi clapped. I looked at our rappers and they were overwhelmed in joy which made even more happy.

"So all of your expressions were on point, you were able to show the emotions of the song in an interesting and refreshing way." Dohee ended her comment with a cute expression.

"The main vocals did a really good job, so did the subvocals. I could see that some of you didn't trainlong so there singing isn't as stable as that of the others. But I could see your effort and your hard work." Baek Jiyoung smiled at all of us making my heart flutter.

The live broadcast cameraman put his camera down and took another one, signaling us that live broadcast was now over.

"We are right know going to announce the voting results." The Pd annouced while staring at screen of a phone he was holding.

"I will start from the last place. But don't worry there isn't a big difference between all of you so lots can change." He said sitting down between two cameramen.

"10th place goes to Park Sanhee, 9th place goes to Kim Sooyi, 8th place is Kang Jaeri, 7th place is Yoo Shinah, 6th place is Ji Seora." He said those without putting any suspense. As if he was reading a dictionnary. It surprised me I thought he would have fun putting us under pression like they usually do in shows. And just like that he continued. "5th place is Ha Miyoung, 4th place is Kang Joha, 3rd place Lim Hana, 2nd place Yul Ahjin and 1st place Lee Jiho." We all went to Jiho and congratulated her. I wasn't hurt or sad at all. I entered this competition without having thoughts of winning. I'm just here to fill spots so I didn't care what place I was.

Just like that the programm came to an end. During those weeks we had different missions, evrything from the members in a group to what song should be perfromed, evrything was chosen by online voting. I saw myself slowly going up the ranks and after the last mission I was third place. I never thought I would be able to go this high.

We just finished our last performance which was a live performance. We waited backstage that the voting session ends. Most of the girls had aleady tears in their eyes. I went to Joha and hugged her. She was trembling in my arms so I hugged her a bit tightly and petted her shoulder. I felt hands going around my hips, joining each other in front of my stomach and someone ending the backhug by laying their head on my shoulder. I tried to look who it was but could only see her hairs falling in front of her face. From the other side I saw Miyoung coming and huging the three of us.

Soon enough we were all together doing one big group hug. A staff came and ended our heavenly like hug by telling us to be on standby. "1... 2... 3... And go !" We walked back on stage after removing our tears and smuged makeup.

"Tiny-G's new member is ..." the Mc teased by sunddenly changing topic "But first lets thank all the girls for their hard work after during those past weeks." The audience cheered. "So, we will now welcome Tiny-g's new member ... Lee Ji Ho Congratulations!" Jiho was right next to me and broke down in tears so I hugged her and naturrally everyone followed.

"Yoo Shinah, how do you feel?" The Mc asked me out of the blue. I left Jiho and walked towards him so that he could give me a mike.

"I'm really happy for her, she really deserves it she worked hard for it though all of us did. I'm proud of her and I want to thank her and the other girls for having been able to have such good time together." I said trembling.

"I have another great news for you! Tiny-G will become a 5 membered group. Yoo Shinah Congratulations you are Tiny-G's last membered!" The Mc smiled next to me. I was just staring at him with my mouth opened until I processed what he just said I turned back and was hugged from all sides at once. I was blinded by the spotlights and couldn't har anything but the chaotic clapping of the croad. I can be sure now that I will continue experience this.

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