Chapter Nine

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  • Dedicated to My sister Chloe, who always pushed me to finish this story

When we get to the office the next we’re greeted by quite a sight. It’s going crazy here. There are army officers everywhere and huge, tough looking guys with scary suits and American accents. Looks like somebody called in the Feds…

“Whatever you do, stay out of the Feds way,” Shayne whispers, guiding me to the other side of the room.

“Why? Are they mean?”

“No. they’re eager and excited to be in our ‘beautiful’ country,” he mutters.

“Your brother seems to like them,” I say, watching Luca laughing with a small group of the Feds.

“He’s the British version of them.”

“See ya later,” I say, flashing him a grin as I go over to them.

“Ah, Lila,” Luca says, tugging me towards him.

“Who’s this pretty little thing?” One of them asks, smiling down at me.

“This is our newest agent, Lila,” Shayne says proudly.

“Aren’t you a little young to be a secret agent?” He asks. I raise my eyebrows at him and he chuckles.

“This is Nick,” Shayne says.

“Hi there,” Nick says shaking my hand.


“You’ve had quite an eventful first day, I’ve heard.”

“Well…There’s the dead guy at my desk, two of my school teachers stalking me and a dodgy car crash. You’re right, that is pretty eventful,” I shrug, wincing.

“Stop shrugging,” Luca orders.

“Do I have to?” I whine.

“Yes, you’ll hurt yourself.”

“I’m already pretty hurt,” I remind him.

“Lila, stop shrugging. It’s a sarcastic gesture anyway.”

“No it isn’t,” I laugh.

“It is when you do it.”

“Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit,” Nick says.

“Wit is the highest form of defence,” I retort.

“So sarcasm is still pretty high up?”

“Yes it is.”

He chuckles at me. “I quite like you.”

“Thanks,” I mutter.

“How on Earth did you get into this agency? You can’t be older than 19,” he says.

“17,” I correct him.

“17?” He looks astonished.

“Only just.” I go to shrug but Luca puts a hand on my shoulder.

“How did you do it?”

“I’m one of the smartest people in the country.”


“Her IQ’s 133 and she beat Shayne in a fight within about three seconds,” Luca tells him.

“And the first time she shot a gun she hit the target right between the eyes,” Shayne adds, following me over.

“And I can pick locks,” I say, smiling up at Nick.

“Dang girl, what else can you do?”

“I can fly a plane, drive a car and play three instruments.”

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