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Nicki's Pov *4 days later*

Today I was going to talk to my lawyer about adopting Skye. I was really excited that I would be able to be Skye's mom. It was around noon and it was time for her daily walking sessions. because they said she had to start walking by herself again, she has been doing good but I can tell that she's still in pain and it hurts for her to walk. the nurses said I wasn't aloud to join them anymore, because I would "baby her" and not let her walk it out. So I stayed in the room and called Safaree to come and get me in an hour or send a car for Skye and me, he said he was going to send a car because he was packing to go visit his family and if he came to pick us up he was going to miss his flight.

Since we were on break and had no more concerts for the time being he wanted to go visit them because he rarely goes and sees them. after I got off the phone with Safaree I called my lawyer. when she picked up I told her I wanted to adopt Skye and told her what was happening.

She told me she was going to call the adoption agency and talk to them about getting the papers for adopting Skye and that she would call me back when she was finished talking to them. 30 mins passed and I was done packing all of our things. Then my lawyer called back. she told me they didn't have them and that Skye's foster parents have them and and we would have to go and sign them there.

I didn't want to take Skye back to that place! so I asked my lawyer to come with us to make sure they signed the papers and they allowed me to adopt Skye, because they can't refuse to let me adopt her, As I hung up the phone Skye and Leah came back in the room.

Nicki- hey, how'd it go? is the walking getting any easier?

Skye- it went ok, I'm still trying to get use to it tho, and it still hurts.

Nicki- ok well I think that's normal for it to still hurt. I'm sure it's gonna be difficult at first and it is going to hurt because you not completely healed yet.

Leah- yup that's exactly it... oh and here are her pain medications and be sure to change her bandages every five to six hours. *hand the stuff to Nicki*

Nicki- ok thanks and thank you again for all your help!! here *hands her $200*

Leah- ohh no I can't take this, but thank you.

Nicki- no take it... please

Leah- ok thank you. bye Skye *hugs her* stay out of trouble and don't ever hurt yourself again!!

Skye- ok and bye Leah thanks for being nice to me while I was in here *releases from their hug*

No One's Pov

About 15 mins later they were just about ready to leave the hospital, Skye was just finishing putting on her cloths that Nicki had gone out and bought her. when Skye was finished she came out of the bathroom an nicki had just finished signing the release papers.

Nicki- ready to go sweet pea

Skye- yup

By that time the car was outside waiting for them outside and Nicki's lawyer was in the car waiting for them also. once all their things were in the car they were off to Skye's foster house.

Skye- I'm scared. do I have to go in, what if they hit me or something?

Nicki- it's ok, don't be scared I'm going to be right there with you. I won't let them hurt you! I promise.


Sorry it took me so long to update! And I'm sorry I know this chapter was boring but I will post the next chapter later tonight! ok thanks for reading! hope you somewhat likes this chapter.

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