C H A P T E R T H R E E;

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I don't know what I'm doing,

When she said "celebrate" Dana scully did not mean, /go to a club and get wasted/. Dana Scully meant, /order in a pizza and watch some movies/. Yet here she was on a Saturday night, in a club, drinking idly from a straw as her wayward friend on the dance-floor with a group of strangers. This was definitely not Scully's /scene/.

'Lighten up Danes' Kitt had said, a failed attempt to pull her on the dance floor.

But Scully was set in her ways. That's just how she was. She knew she was a goody two shoes, she knew she was a bit of a bore, she held herself back an awful lot. She, as some people would say, needed to let her hair down, she knew all of this. God sometimes she fucking despised it, but she was just that way, it's all she knew, how she was most comfortable.

She was /that/ stereotypical catholic girl, raised in an extremely religious household, not that her parents were the crazy type, they just expected a certain behaviour from her. She respected that. She went to a catholic college, all girls, tartan skirts, white socks, you name it, the lot.

And that's exactly why this was torture to Scully, this was a complete other world to hers, the one she was used to, the one she knew. She was out of her comfort zone entirely. Neck deep in unfamiliar waters. She didn't know how to socialise like in these situations, like Kitt. She didn't know how to interact with boys, like Kitt.

Not that she hadn't had a boyfriend before, she had, kind of. There was a boy she had attended church with since before she could remember, his dad worked with Scully's. They went to Sunday school together. Jack was his name. Once he had kissed her in the confession booth, 'this is technically a sin' he had whispered in her ear, before planting his lips on hers. She was 15 at the time. To this day she couldn't believe she had done something like that in the house of God. /if her mother knew/.

So she sat there, the goody two shoes she was, watching her friend have fun, drinking her water.

A boy approached her.

In reality, Fox Mulder hated clubs. He didn't see the appeal at all,,, But clubs had girls and so there he was, his first Saturday night in England, freshers week in full swing. A girl dancing on him, grinding her hips against his, his hand on her arse, her breath on his.

'Do you want a drink' he shouted above the noise.

'What' the blonde, who's name he hadn't gotten, shouted back.

'Do you,,,' he said speaking slow and loud ',,,want a drink' he made a drinking motion with his hand.

'Sure' she said, with a fake smile. He smiled back.

Crossing the dance floor, a girl backed into him. She turned to face him.

'Oh hey, sorry' he recognised her, he couldn't place it in his half drunken state.

'Fox!' She shouted, ecstatic.

'Kitt' He remembered the pretty girl from the coffee shop vividly now. 'Sorry' he frowned, 'I promised this girl a drink'

'No problem' She laughed deeply, as a tall, muscle bearing boy gripped her waist and began to dance with her. She smiled, waving as she danced off. 'See ya' round Fox'

He laughed, waving in return.

Once at the bar, Mulder signalled the bartender over,

'Two vodka and orange's please' He asked and the bartender nodded, off to prepare the drinks right alway. He could feel the vibrations of the music in his feet.

All of a sudden he felt something slam into his back,

'What do you want this time' he laughed turning on his heels, expecting to see Kitt again. Instead he was greeted by her friend, the other girl from the coffee shop. He could swear she way crying.


She was crying.

She pushed passed him, rushing off towards the entrance of the club. Mulder grabbed her arm.

'Hey' His voice was soft, he'd be surprised she even heard it amongst this volume.

'Get off me' She shouted. He let his grip slip, dropped her arm. She continued towards then entrance.

Unbeknownst to him, with absolute no idea why, because honestly he wouldn't usually give a damn about this type of thing, about some random girl in a club, he found himself following her.

He found her outside, on the side of the street, sat on the curb with her head in her hands. She looked so small. So lonely.

His head buzzed now, from the alcohol in his blood. The fresh air had really hit him. He stumbled towards her.

Her hair was like fire in this light. As vibrant as the city lights. He made sure his approach to her was slow, he took caution. She was clearly fragile.

'Coffee shop girl?' He said, lightness in his tone. /be easy Fox/ he told himself.

Cars buzzed past them, people laughed. Drunken friends. A typical Saturday night in the city.

She looked up, wiped a tear with her small hand, she patted her lips, 'What?' Her voice was so little. Barely a whisper against the busy sounds of the city.

'What's up?'

'Why do you care?' She asked, genuinely. Her eyes following him, as he lowered himself to take a seat on the curb beside her.

'Because,' he started, 'when little girls rush out of nightclubs with tears in their eyes,,, ' he sighed deeply 'well usually it's become of some shitty boy'

Scully wiped another tear, 'You would know that because?'

'Because,,,' his voice was smooth and tender, he seemed regretful, I've been that shitty boy on one or two occasions' He said looking down at the gravel, kicking a stone with with his shoe.

'Look thanks, but I want to go home,,, I shouldn't have come out in the first place'

'Not your territory huh?' He smirked.

She stood up, patting down her dress with both hands.

'I'm going home'

'Lets get something to eat' He reached for her hand.

'I said,,,' through gritted teeth 'I'm going home' her eyes said she meant it.

And so he watched her walk away.

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