C H A P T E R S Ī X;

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It isn't a party until someone has a fight,

Leaving things at the cafe and having to come back for them is a habit that Dana Scully had fallen into over the six months she had worked at 'ye old cafe'. A habit which she wished that she could break.

'Kitt' she rushed in exhausted after a day of college, 'did I leave my,,,'

She is cut off by Kitt who hands her a notebook marked /biology/

'Thanks' Scully is panting, still catching her breath, 'hey can I get a coffee whilst I'm here'

'Yeah yeah, no problem, won't be a minute'  Kitt says, turning to make the drink as requested. 'Hey, Fox was in here looking for you earlier'


Kitt can tell something is off with her friend, 'what's wrong? I thought you had a little crush on him, especially with last saturday'

'So did I, but he came in here Saturday again, with this girl and I thanked him for everything but he just looked at me like he'd never met me, I don't know, you know usually I wouldn't be bothered but I had him wrong I guess' Scully shrugs, attempting to hide her sadness, trying to appear unmoved, and not at all phased by the situation.

'Fuck boi!' The other girl shouts, this makes Scully laugh and Kitt smiles, satisfied that her work is done. 'Hey I got invited to this party tonight, want me to get you in, the guys so smitten with me he'll probably let me bring you'

Scully thinks for a moment, on the one hand, the previous Saturday night had been a complete disaster and had put her off socialising for life, but on the other hand she really wanted to start getting out there. So despite her better judgement,,,

'Sure okay'

'I won't leave you this time, I promise' Kitt says, Dana can sense her friend feels guilty for what happened.

'I trust you' she smiles.

Mulder has always found it fairly essay to socialise, he's glad for that fact, It made these house parties a lot easier.

The parties good, he's drank lots and danced with a few people. He's having fun. He's even witnessed a few guys jumping into a paddling pool in the back garden, he was asked if he wanted ago but he laughs and says he'll have to decline this time.

'Fox' it's the boy from earlier, who invited him to the party.

'Hey' he doesn't know his name. /shit/

'This is sara she wanted to meet you' there's a pretty redhead with him. She waves.

Mulder recognises her from somewhere, he's seen her around a couple of times. 'Hey'

'I'll leave you kids to talk then' The boy from earlier says, and Mulder is sure he feels a little bit of his soul die because honestly that's probably the most embarrassing thing he's ever heard in his life.

And so he drinks and he talks to this girl and she's interesting, and for once he's actually listening to what she's got to say, and he's enjoying himself.

'So what made you come here?' She asks

'Because I wanted something new, I guess, because this uni was a great opportunity for me I guess'

TØUCH, WHERE IT HURTS | mulder + scullyWhere stories live. Discover now