The Beginning

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Harry (POV)

I was in a bar early one afternoon, playing poker with my best friend Ron. Ever since the defeat of Voldemort we've been all over the place and now Hogwarts is just a distant memory. Unfortunately everything has been going downhill from there. After we graduated unofficially, due to the huge amount of damage that the war left behind. I may be famous in Hogwarts but in the real world I'm just a depressed lonely boy. Soon after the war you see everyone went their own way, the Weasley family moved to a nice big cottage house, near a beautiful field, just outside of London. Along with that Ron and Hermione had moved in together temporarily, only because just recently Hermione went abroad to study some type of science in New York City. Which we were supposed to be in last week but Ron and I had gotten into sort off into an addiction called poker. As you probably guessed it we bet our plane tickets, and we lost horribly. Now here we are at a bar playing poker once again hopping that we'll win enough money to pay for the tickets ourselves, the game had gotten boring after a few minutes, until one of the guys we were playing against pulled out two titanic third class tickets out for bet. It was like a sign from another world, telling us that after all this time and all our hard work playing poker has finally paid off. The guy gave me a funny look and I looked down at my cards....

Harry: Alright gentlemen time to find out who will be the victorious winner and the lucky fellow who will win these tickets.

??: I'm going to win I don't need luck!

One of the guys said.

Harry: Ok...

I stared at him and he gave me a smirk

Ron: Harry we can't do this.

Harry: Yes, we can Ron.

Ron: It's not my bloody fault that you forgot our wands back at mum's house. We would have already apperated to mione's house. And don't get me started on how we lost the bloody tickets.

He looked up at me and glared, I rolled my eyes and turned my head.

Ron: Ok these are my cards..

Ron showed us his cards and nothing. Then the guys friend went, nothing. Then the guy I was arguing with earlier...could have won, with all hearts. I looked at Ron with a worried expression.

Harry: Ron I'm sorry...

Ron: What do you mean... I paid to much for this- we've lost so much- I swear I'll kill-

Harry: I'm sorry have to say goodbye to your parents and hello to hermione because.........We're going to NEW YORK!!!

Ron: Bloody hell...Bloody Hell! Harry!

Then one of the guys got pissed off and started raising his fist, and knocked his partner down with a single punch.

Harry: Let's go!

Bartender: Well you guys better hurry because titanic leaves in 5 minutes.

Harry & Ron: BLOOBY HELL!

We left and started running towards the third class entry. We gave our tickets to a man with a funny accent, he looked at me from up and down, with such curiosity. We went to look for our room. When we entered the room, we saw a father and a young girl, who we guessed was his daughter.

??: Hey!

Harry: Hey.....

??: Oh Victor

He said stretching his hand out for me to take.

Harry: Hey Victor, I'm guessing this is your lovely daughter.

Victor: Yes this is Lily we're going to visit her mom. So what's your name? If you don't mind me asking.

I smiled kindly at the little girl.

Harry: Oh sorry I'm Harry, Harry Potter and this is my friend Ron Weasley.

Ron: Nice to meet you Victor.

Victor: Nice to meet you too. Lily say hi!

Lily: Hi! Harry is a lovely name!

Harry: Thank you...

Ron and I soon left the room and went up on deck. We noticed a few little kids running around in circles chasing each other, the smell of salt water was in the air. We turned left and saw the edge of the ship, we got closer, and closer until I climbed to the top of it...

Harry: I'm the king of the world!

Ron: I can see the Statue of Liberty! It's small of course...

Ron and I were hanging out in the deck laughing, joking and talking about the adventures that await for us in New York. Ron was telling me how happy he is to reunite with Hermione again. I started looking around...until someone caught my eyes, it was a young man with beautiful mysterious grey eyes. I don't know why but I felt drawn to him and I don't really know why he caught my attention. Why do I feel like I've seen him before?

Draco (POV)

We arrived at supposably the best ship in the world the Titanic. I didn't want to go but mother was of course dragging me around with her.

??: Look Draco isn't this amazing!

Draco: Sure is mom

Dracos Mom/Narcissa: "Cheer up Draco! Remember that the other reason we're here is for you to get along with your girlfriend Pansy...and you're future wife." She whispered.

??: What are you two talking about?

Draco: About how this trip will be fun according to mom. Are you sure you wanted to come Pansy? I didn't think that water was your thing after-

Pansy: Of course can't let you and your mom go alone- and don't you dare talk about that or I'll tell everybody that in our fifth year you -

Narcissa: Enough children. Let's go inside!

We walked to the first class entry and went inside the Titanic. Maybe it won't be so bad. We walked up to our room and started to unpack.

Narcissa: Oh Draco I'm so excited! We got the best view from anybody and more importantly expensive.

I sighed

Draco: Mom I'm just going to go outside for a bit. I'll be in the deck if you're looking for me.


Draco: It's getting a little suffocating in here.

Pansy: Ok babe, be safe. Come back in time for dinner!

Draco: Ok.

I said with a disappointed look on my face but I tried to hide it from them. Pansy kissed me and I left. I walked up to the porch deck and looked at all the water surrounding the ship. Then I saw a guy he was looking up at me.... His eyes were green and his hair was perfectly messy hair even though that doesn't make sense. Wait is that? No! It can't be. Harry. But I-Pansy opened the door taking me out of my thoughts of course.

Pansy: Babe time for dinner! Let's go your moms waiting for us.

Draco: Ok

I can't believe it. After all these years. Harry is here.

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