The End

774 35 18

*Warning this chapter will be shorter than others*

Harry (POV)

Harry: Whatever you do, do not let go of my hand! I'll tell you when to hold you're breath got it!

Draco nodded

We were getting closer to the water.

Harry: Ready!....Now!

I held my breath when we went in the water but the water was so strong it literally drifted us apart.

Draco (POV)

I looked around and couldn't find Harry.

Draco: Harry? Harry!

I looked around screaming his name when a man was holding on to me making me drown. Until I saw Harry.

Harry: Swim Draco! I need you to swim!

Draco: it's so cold.

Harry: I know it is baby but keep swimming! Almost there! Ok get on it!

Harry was taking me to a part of the first class door. I got on it and so did he but it flipped. This time I only got on it.

Harry: It'll be all right now. It'll be all right now.

He kept saying

Harry: The boats are going to be back. Just hold on.

Harry sounded like he was freezing oh wait he's in the water while I'm on this door.

Harry (POV)

I looked back and saw more than half the people dead.

Draco: It's getting quiet.

Harry: It's just going to take a couple of get the boats back here. I intend to write a strongly worded the white star line about all this.

I was trembling and so was Draco . But not that much since I'm the one in the water.

Draco: I love you Harry.

Harry: Don't you say your good-byes. Not yet. Do you understand?

Draco: I'm so cold.

Harry: Listen're gonna get out of here. You're gonna die an old...old man. Warm in his bed. Not here. Not this night. Not like this. Do you understand me?

Draco: I can't feel my body.

Harry: Winning that ticket Draco was the best thing that ever happened to me. It brought me to you once again. And I'm thankful for that. You must do me this honor. You must promise me that you'll survive. That you won't give matter what happens. No matter how hopeless. Promise me now
Draco. And never let go of that promise.

Draco: I promise. But you have to promise me that.

Harry: I can't promise that.

Draco: Why? You're 'the boy who lived'

I chuckled

Harry: Did you actually think that I was going to live forever?

That was the last thing I remembered before everything went black.

Draco (POV)

I then saw a light like a flashlight.

Draco: Harry.

I shook his hand nothing

Draco: Harry.


Draco: Harry.


Draco: Harry.

I shook him nothing

Draco: There's a boat.

I shook him again nothing

Draco: Harry.

I shook him once more

Draco: Harry.

I shook him nothing

Draco: Harry.

I shook him nothing. No this can't be.

Draco: Harry (sniff)

I was crying hopping that he wasn't dead. He can't leave me.

Draco: There's a boat Harry.

Draco: Hary...

I saw the boat that was leaving. I laid down in the door thing. And just waited to die as well.... Until I remembered my promise. I did promise Harry.

Draco: (whispering) Come back. (Normal voice) Come back.

I tried yelling

Draco: Come back. Come back. Come back!

I looked at frozen Harry. I took his frozen hand into mine And kissed his hand.

Draco: I'll never let go. I promise.

And with that Harry sunk under the freezing water where I lost sight of him.  I looked over and remembered one of the men had a whistle I went into the cold water and grabbed the whistle. I blew on it until it came back for me. I got on the lifeboat. When I remembered about My mom, Pansy, and Harry. I laid there until we stopped I looked up to see a ship called "Carpathia". I got on the ship. I was sitting down when I glanced over my shoulder I saw Pansy. That was the last time I ever saw her. A few days later we arrived at New York. A guy was passing around asking people for their names.

Guy: Can I take your name Sir?

Draco: Potter. Draco Potter.

Harry (POV)

I opened my eyes

Hermione: Oh good you're awake.

*The End*

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