Chapter 3

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"Hey." I said and sat down next to her, dropping my bag on the ground. She looked up into my eyes and smiled. The light in her eyes was back. She looked passionate, and her cheeks were red.

"Hi!" She exclaimed, and closed her booklet."I'm sorry I'm being rude, but I have to pee, I'll be right back!" She pushed the booklet into my hands and sprung up. Within seconds she was gone. I opened the booklet.

'…His brown eyes are so magical. It's like he attracts me with them. I want him. I need him. I just don't know how. He's the perfect guy, and he's so handsome. All the girls want him, but they are scared to tell him about it, but I know he wants me back. He has brown hair, always looks great. He knows how to wear clothing! He's buff. He is always warm when you touch him. I love him…'

I realized that it was me. I was sure of it. It just sounded like me. I smiles as she came back. She was about to sit down, when Flynn came around the corner. He was buff. He had brown hair. He had brown eyes. The girls want him. He dresses well. Within a split second I had established the real truth. It was him.

It felt like we were in a movie. Flynn was wearing his helmet since he came to school with his motorbike. He took it off and his steps seemed to go slowly. A smile appeared on her face and she ran towards him. He kissed her deeply, pulling up one of her legs as if they were doing the tango. He skirt, that was already really short, slid up even more. I could almost see her panties. I watched her ass, but then Flynn grabbed it. I looked up to his face. His eyes were open, staring right at me. He grinned at me and kissed her even deeper.

"Wake up, Tim!" My mom switched on the light. I sighed out of relief. It was just a dream. I opened my eyes and got up out of bed. My mom was looking at me and moved in closer.

"Mom… isn't it Saturday, why did you wake me?" I looked at my mom. She gasped and opened her eyes wide.

"It is? Gosh, I have totally lost track of this week. I'll go do some yoga, see you later, okay?" I nodded and crawled back into bed, closing my eyes, and falling asleep again.

"Hey! You're here too!" She smiled brightly as she screamed what she had to say to me, so I could actually hear her over the noise of the music. I nodded and kissed her cheek back.

"I didn't know you go out!" I told her and watched her. She giggled.

"I'm don't… I mean, well, I'm just sneaking out." We danced together to the music. Lights flashed fast and each time I saw her again, she was in a different position.

2 hours and 4 shots later, I was sitting on a couch, drinking a beer to cool down from the strong alcohol. I was watching her from across the room. She walked towards me, and was smiling. Then I saw Flynn on the other side of the room. I stood up with my beer and quickly moved towards her. Flynn did the same thing. I started doubting if last night was a dream and moved in close.

She got to me and sat down next to me. She drank from her cocktail and didn't say anything to me, just kept in eye contact. Flynn walked over and grabbed the girl sitting next to her. I sighed out of relief. I got up and too her hand, making her put down her cocktail. She danced with me, and only looked at me. I felt like a king.

Another 2 hours and 2 shots later. I was so drunk, that I had trouble keeping everything in my pants, since she was 4 shots and 2 cocktails ahead of me, and was grinding me like crazy. I didn't understand how someone could possibly be that good at grinding. The party started winding down. I took her hand and walked with her.

"I'll walk you home." I said and took her hand.

"Why were you so down the last month?" I asked her as we walked. She looked up at me, and sighed. I gave her my water bottle which we had almost finished now, to sober her up a little.

"I'm moving, to a different country." She stared right ahead, not daring to look at me. I opened my mouth, but I couldn't think of what to say.

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