Chapter 4

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Hey guys, Sorry for the language :P Deal with it!

My mom had just come home from a cooking class. It was together with her mom. I sat down at the kitchen table with a glass of milk, watching her, as she chatted about her class. I interrupted her.

"But aren't they moving tomorrow?" I asked her, sipping from my glass.

"Who told you that, no, they aren't, I mean, I think they aren't… She told me she would come for tea next week, why would she be leaving? Who told you that?" She looked at me with a strange look.

I shrugged and finished my glass. My mom looked through some of her papers.

"I'm going to bed, see you tomorrow!" I said to my mom. She looked up and gave me a smile, I  went straight to my room.

 I checked my phone and saw I got a text. I opened it up and saw it was from her.

"Hey Tim, I'm moving tonight, I'll email you! Xx Liz" I ran downstairs with my phone in my hand and when I got to my mom I waved it in her face. She took it from my hand and studied it closely. Then she passed it back and grabbed the house phone, and dialed Liz's mom's number.

"Are you moving?... Oh, just a text from Liz… yes, my son…. Yes… oh okay… no, okay… yes… yes that's still on… that’s on Friday right?... Okay then….see you later… goodnight!" She looked at me and shook her head, laughing a little.

"She's lying sweetheart, maybe she just wants your attention." I went back upstairs and called her. As soon as she picked up and noticed it was me she turned quiet.

"Why are you lying to me?"


No! I wasn't going to stand for it! She ignored me, and I was invisible to her. She didn't care for me anymore. I had screamed at her that night. Had told her to stop lying to me. She had agreed but told me lies again. She told me her brother died when she was 8. She never had a brother. She told me her dad sexually harassed her. He never did. Some serious lies came out of that damn mouth of her. She didn't take responsibility for them, and as soon as I told my mom, and my mom, of course, talked to her mom, she denied everything, and told everyone I made it up because I want her.

Well imma show her what I want. Justice. She is going to get it. When she doesn't know it's coming. But for now, I'll watch her every move.

I'm sitting in the cafeteria with my phone. I look through the messages she had sent me before she started with her silent treatment. Flynn came up and grabbed my phone out of my hand.

"Jeez, give it back, dickhead!" I tried to grab it from him. He refused and moved so that he could read my texts. I grabbed his wrist but he passed the phone over to his other hand.

"Oh, are you texting your girlfriend? Let's see what her name is!" He said, laughing, while the whole cafeteria watched.

Everything that happened next was in slow motion. Oh well, I thought, knowing that my phone would be broken next. My fist hit his face, and his nose started bleed. He punched me in the stomach and next was what someone would call a wild exchange of fist battling. Before I knew it my phone was in pieces, and we were rolling on the floor.

Two strong teachers came and were screaming at us as they pulled us apart.

"Let it go!" One of them screamed to us. I sighed and pulled myself straight. I kicked a chair over, bumped into Flynn with my shoulder and walked off. Flynn looked bright red as I looked back one more time. Lizzy came over to him and helped him clean up his face. I kicked another chair and ran off. I had no idea where to, but I needed to be away from them bitches!


"Son, you are such a disappointment. How can you do this to us, your own family! How do you expect to get into a proper college now? Huh? Tell me! Why did you do it? Son! Why did you do it!" My father demanded. I shook my head and held it between my hands.

"Dad, I'm sorry okay! I will do anything to make it right! You know I have been getting straight A's all years! And I will, I will do my best, I promise!" The principal looked at me and sighed.

"It's okay, I will not suspend you, because you've always been a good student, but you have detention for the rest of the year, an hour after school every day. If you miss out one time, I will suspend you. Do we have an understanding here?" He looked at me with the same demanding eyes my dad had. I nodded.

This was all her fault. She was a fucked up bitch and needed to learn a lesson. Oh, she wasn't just gonna get it, she's going to be dead when I'm done with her. She won't have a life. I will kill that bitch, just you wait!


Maybe I'm over-reacting. Of course I have my reasons. But you know what… I'm going to do something nobody will expect. Something so big, that the whole world will be in shock. Just you wait and see...

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