Chapter 5 - There is an End to Everything

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There is an end to everything....

School trip. Whoever came up with the idea of taking a class of 10th graders to the city of love must have been crazy. Not is it only the city of love, it is also the city of sex. A group of 10th graders, are you serious!? I was sitting two seats away from her, and her eyes were focused on me the whole time. I didn't know what her problem was.

Flynn was sitting next to me as the train moved fast. We were partnered up as roommates for the next  168 hours. I overheard her roommate, Jessica, while she was talking.

"Is it okay if I sneak out tonight, I wanna spend the night with my boyfriend." she said. "I'll stay in his room until breakfast so I won't wake you up." I saw Liz nod. This was the perfect way to get her back.


It was dark in our room. I waited until Flynn started to snore and slowly got out of bed. I threw on my pants and a shirt and grabbed the small bag I had prepared and had put in my suitcase. Flynn turned over, away from me, and made a loud weird snorting noise, and went back into a deep snoring sleep. I tiptoed with my bare feet to the door and opened it slowly.

Before I knew it, I had rushed out of the hotel, and stood in a dark corner. I pulled open and put on two gloves. I also got out some shoes and I walked back in. The lobby was empty, except for the receptionist sleeping on her desk. I smiled and took the lift to the third floor. I knew exactly which room it was, I had seen the charts and would be able to get in through the balcony.

When I got to the third floor there was a door room open. I walked inside, seeing no one, but only hearing a girl voice singing in the shower. I grabbed onto my bag tightly and walked up onto the balcony. I climbed over the small wall to the next balcony, and saw my destination only three balconies away.  I kept on climbing and moved my way up to that specific balcony, making sure none of the girls saw me. Most of them were asleep anyway, so it didn't matter much that I was walking over their balconies.

I slowly started sliding the door open, so she couldn't hear. The room was dark and I closed it behind me. She was fast asleep, and didn't move, her chest just went up and down gently as she breathed. I looked at a leaflet of a hotel: "Fully sound proof" I didn’t need to see more and I opened my bag. I walked over to her and sat next to her as she slept. I pushed her shoulder softly to wake her up. I kept on pushing her, harder and harder. She opened her eyes and looked up at me with big eyes.

"What are you doing here?" She whispered in a sleepy voice.

I grabbed her by the back of her neck and made her stand up. She held onto my arm trying to get me off.

"What are you doing?" She said as she panicked, and tears streamed down her face. I smiled slightly, seeing her in pain, and made her sit down at the desk.

I handed her a pen and shoved the notebook towards her.

"Write." I said to her. She shook her head looking at me.

"Write!" I slapped her right in the face and she cried out and took the pen.

"Dear mom…" I said and watched her. "This was the only solution I saw. I'm sorry everything had to turn out this was, but I am I a lying bitch, and I don't deserve to be alive. I will miss you. Love, Liz." She cried loudly and took it slow. I had to repeat myself a few times to make her write it down. When she was done she looked up at me.

"What are you going to do to me?"  I grabbed her by her neck again and took her to the bathroom and closed the door. I took a cable out of  the bag I had and hung it from the lamp. I connected it to her neck and made her stand on the toilet seat.

She died.

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