Chapter 11

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         EDITED 1/31/2014 9:58pm

"So that's it?" I asked as he pulled us out. It didn't freak me out as much as it did last night, the feeling of being pulled and twisted was still highly uncomfortable though.

"That's nowhere near it. That's only my story. The angel world is one more complicated than you will ever know Lana. It would take you five hundred lifetimes alone just to figure it out. And for the sake of your humanity, don't try to figure it out." What could be so bad about angels? My whole life I had grown up in a highly religious household. Angels were part of the religion, some were even worshipped.

"What could be so bad about living forever in paradise?" I just had to ask. I couldn't understand how he sounded like he hated every moment of it.

"Just like not every human is good, not all angels are good either." He picked up his coffee mug and took another sip. "They are called 'The Dark Ones' or as humans like to refer to as 'Dark Angels' because of the color of their wings." Dark angels. I remember Ryna took me to a movie with dark angels in it. There was something else that I felt like I was missing I just couldn't quite grasp it. I shook it off and tapped my fingernails on the wooden table.

"Dark angels wouldn't hav-"

"I believe the tale of dark angels should be saved for another time." He interrupted me as he got up and dumped the remainder of his drink into the sink. We stood in silence for a few moments when he finally broke it.

“Wait! When we left the house you said that Carmen would be with a keeper? What’s a keeper.”

“Keeper’s are guards. They know what they are doing when it comes to protecting others from the supernatural. They aren’t exactly angel, but they have traces of angel blood running through their veins. Shannon’s brother is one of my closest acquaintances and possibly the best fighter I’ve ever met.” Nathan’s eyes held a gleam of appreciation. “His names Max, I don’t think you’ve ever met him. The man is a genius. You shouldn’t be worried about Carmen at all.” That lifted an invisible weight off my shoulders. I had constantly been worried about her since the break in. Now that he had told me about dark angels, my worry for her had maximized tremendously. The fact that she was staying with a few professional protectors slightly eased my anxiety.

"You should go shopping for some necessitates, you will be staying here for a while."

"Oh yeah, you never mentioned why I must stay here." I crossed my arms and threw one leg over the other, waiting for him to give me a convincing enough reason.

"You saw the black feather and the wreckage, I thought you would have figured this all out Lana." I shook my head no and he nodded in understanding. "Angel feathers are never a good thing, but when they're black it's a really bad thing. You can never escape the grasp of a dark angel. When I saw the feather it worried me. Whatever he's up to, there is no way you're safe."

"And you think I'm safe here with you?" A flash of anger shot through his eyes as he came towards me.

"Tell me Lana, do you know of anyone else willing to risk their life for yours, who is knowledgeable on all the things happening, and who is more than capable of taking down even the smallest danger. If you know anybody like that just let me know." I stood quiet as he continued to advance towards me. "Didn't think so." He muttered as he reached for my hand. He pulled me up against him as his hands rested on my hip bones instantly warming the chilled skin.

"I know you don't feel the way I do for you and I don't blame you. You've only known me for a week whereas I've known you behind a curtain for close to five years." He sighed and took a strand of my hair, rubbing it in between his fingers. He then laughed.

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