Chapter 24

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*Nathan's POV*

I felt her body slump against my own as he pushed the knife into her fragile skin.

"No! Lana!" I screamed as he let go of the knife. I could see her slowly starting to drift off, her life force was slowly but surely fading out into pure nothingness. I heard a chuckle from behind me.

"You. Fucking. Bastard." The words revolted out of my mouth as I turned to face the son of a bitch. This was going to be the death of him, mark my words. I turned back towards Lana, her life was at the edge. She was just keeping herself from falling off the askew cliff.

'JAY' I screamed his name through the linking communication we had, he was the only living being that could save her.

'What is it....Nathan. Damn this feels weird.' He replied as I started to grow angry at his reply.

'She's dying,' my thought sounded like a pathetic school girl's whimper. I didn't care though, I couldn't bare to lose her ever again. She was never leaving my sight after this day, I don't care if I had to follow her in the bathroom to ensure that. I felt him kill the connection as a brush of strong wind hit my bare bruised arm, it wasn't easy getting in here.

"Move Nathaniel I can mend this easily." I felt Jay push my numb body away from Lana's shrinking form. I let a growl escape, I couldn't bare being away from her, especially right now -at her weakest moment.

"You guys are pitiful." I looked at the deranged bastard on the ground, "You see the weaker she gets, the more powerful I get." He laughed again. I could see Jay struggling near Lana, I could feel the panic rolling off of him in Tsunami worthy waves.

He wasn't fibbing at the slightest. I could see his flaky skin start to glow as well as his complexion start to clear. No, him taking over would be the last thing I needed right now. He must die. I lent down beside my Lana and pushed the Ruby necklace off of her. I crushed the mineral in my hand and took a sharp piece out. If anything could kill what's his face, this would be it. Their kryptonite: Ruby.

"To hell with you." I shouted hoarsely as I drove the red dagger shaped mineral into his chest cavity. That wasn't enough though. Bis shouts of pain could never satisfy the hungry beast inside me that was begging for bloodshed. So I did to him what'd they'd done to me merely a year ago. The sound of the ripping of wings echoed throughout the room as his blooded back fell. I felt the power immediately wither in the air as a strong substance hit me, almost like a punch directly in the diaphragm.

"Oh no Nathan." Jay came to me as I fell to the floor.

"Nevermind me, what about her?!" What was he doing? He could be helping her, not me; never me. I could help myself if I had to.

"She's fine, just needs to sleep it off, I was able to replace the poisoned blood the knife had touched with my own. She's healing nicely." I slumped down in relief. She was alright. I felt the anxiety leave me. The worry was gone. I inched my fatigued body toward hers, it was only a matter time could tell right now. What was important though was that she was back in my arms.

"Nathan there's something you should know." I turned to Jay with a frown. Whenever he said that it was always a bad thing. My proof? All the times Lana's escaped me.

"This better be important." I curtly said as I picked Lana up and took her body with me. There was no way I was leaving her body on the cold hard ground. It wasn't like she weighed much either, which worried me. She'd been deprived of food for the last week. Even for those five days she was with me she'd barely eaten. It was beginning to really worry me.

"It involves all of us, tell me you felt the power swiftness when you killed my brother." He used the brother term lightly. He sounded almost relieved that his brother was now deceased from all worlds. Hm good riddance is what I've got to say, I'll take the honours of being the first to spit on his murky grave.

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