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  hope you all enjoyed the journey of Dark I know I have :,)

"So how in the world does this work, I still don't get it." I sighed and rubbed my fully grown out stomach.

"You press the A button and he runs." I picked up the controller and demonstrated.

"You know what fu-" I glared at Nathan and he caught himself before he could start cursing. The main purpose of this was so he didn't say anything when we had the baby. That wasn't what was stopping him though. He knew I was fully capable of bitch slapping him. Especially when I was in one of my moods.

"-fudge this." He corrected himself. "If I want to watch FIFA I buy tickets, not a stupid PlayStation game." He grunted and got up. He leaned down and picked me up. I'm in my final week of pregnancy, the baby should be due any day now. Nathan refuses to let me walk saying that it will stress me out. I honestly don't know how he can carry me around the castle like he's been doing all week.

Yep castle. We moved in. Mainly because Jay forced us, claiming it was a good environment for Willow and that they needed their rulers close. The child is a girl and we decided to call her Willow. It was strange how we decided on the name. We were searching for girl's names when Nathan walked into a willow tree. In my opinion it was comical.

"Damn tree hit me like the sky fell on me." He muttered as he carried me to our bedroom. As the king he had the ability to read the thoughts of all that let him in.

"That's nice, now if the baby hits you, you can always think about your tree." He chuckled at my remark.

"You've got a smart mouth on you Lana." I thought I heard him mutter 'maybe a little too smart' I let it off though. I could feel that the babies kicks had gradually gotten more aggressive over the last few days. She would be coming soon I could just feel it. Mother's instinct? Why not.

"What are you watching?" I laid down on the bed and got under the covers. My bump created a slight curve on the covers. It'd be so cool if I just had one of the toys we'd gotten Willow, it would just roll down the tiny hill. Ahh, you gotta love Newton's laws of physics.

"The UEFA championships." I gave him the 'what the fuck?' look, but he didn't seem to notice. Idiot was too focused on people kicking a ball.

"You should watch those with Ryna, she knows her soccer."

"Football," he corrected me. I frowned at him as I reached over for the bowl of popcorn he was currently hoarding for himself. I can't help it okay, I'm American. When I saw football I think of Tom Brady and people tackling each other. Mostly Tom Brady though, that is one sexy patriot.

"First of all no one is sexier than I," to prove that Nathan leaned over and kissed the dimple on my cheek. Damn him, he knows that turns me on. I looked over and saw him smirking.

"You just keep on smirking, we'll see who won't be getting any until Willow's in her twenties." His face fell and he brought me in for a hug.

"You wouldn't do that to this poor old man, especially on his wedding day that's this year." He rubbed my stomach and I smiled at the memory as Willow kicked again. He'd popped the question a week after I'd found out I was pregnant.

"Besides last week I got into a debate with Ryna. That woman knows how to argue, believe me. What is she a lawyer or something? Anyways she almost had me convinced that the Czech Republic would win against the United Kingdom."

"Well that's Ryna, she went to college in Prague for one year so she would say that."

"Still she almost convinced me, you woman are scary."

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