We are the champions of the night. We may not have won the competition yet look where we are now. We strive to be seen. We have come from the bottom of the stairs to the top of the world. Nothing can stop us now.
We have come a long way to give up now.
We travel the world to see who we can help and give them music to enjoy and help them through the hard times. We're the stars in the night shining bright as can be.
We're the best friends till the very end. We have come a long way and we're never going to stop doing what we love.
We are number one, we won the world. We're the champions who won the prize coming from losing to surviving to winning what was meant to be for us. The champions of the day, we will be forever!
Poems for life
PuisiPoems from my heart. Hope they can some what relate to you some how. if you would like a poem written for you pm me or write on my wall.