Chapter 13

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I walked into class to lily and ebony with papers in there hands. Lily smiled at me and said Rachel look what i found. I looked and the name said David Espinoza. Your one sick girl I told her. I started laughing he had bad hand writing I told them. Ebony was laughing alone but lily did not seem amused at all. Oh don't your granny pants in a twist lily I was only kidding. I don't wear granny pants and I do not think it was funny. Yeah I know you don't because your in love with him I whispered to her. No I am not she whispered back to me. Yeah you are I said which made her mad. I got my phone out and lily says is he here today rach ? I look at her and say I have no idea but let me tell you what he did. So I went to ask Matt for 25 cents for some soda right.

She nods her head to tell me that she is listening And David comes up and shut the fuck up then alex comes up and say do not mess with my mans. so I said I was not even talking to him in the first place and you and your man can go fuck yourself for all I care then I walked away very angry. After I finished talking lily started laughing and said that funny as shit. That only funny because your in love with him. I lily yelled no I am not!!. Yeah whatever you say lily. I went on Instagram and the first thing that comes up is a picture of David shirtless. My heart starting beating, I quickly changed the picture so it would stop. I called Lily name and said look what your boyfriend posted on Instagram. I turned my phone and showed her the picture. HOLY SHIT she yelled. I started laughing really hard that I fell out my seat are you ok Ebone asked me as she was laughing because I fell off my chair . Does it look like I am ok ebs. She shrugs her I do no that is why I asked you. I gave her the are you stupid look. I think she understood and she said no I am not stupid . my ass hurts i told them,  they started laughing,it is not funny i told them. yeah it is they both said as they countined to laugh,  i showed lily the picture again and she said stop showing me that damn picture she said as her face got kind of red which is werid because i never seen a black person get red before. i laughed and said lily are you getting an orgaism from the picture, she yelled and said no thats nasty as shit as she got up to yell at me somemore.

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