Chapter 11

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//////Stevie pov////

I waited for ten minutes for ip him to show and finally he came.

"Why did it take you so long?" I complained.

"There is this thing called being fashionable late." He said with a smirk.

"You could have come on time it was stinkin raining outside!" I added.

"Oh" he just realized I was wet.

"Sorry" he muttered.

"Fine, just turn on the heat so I can dry off."


"Where are we going?" Not knowing we're we're where going I was wondering.

"Out for dinner."

"Well thanks caption show off, we're are we going for real."



We rode in science for a while. Wow I am tired surprising.

"We're here." He commented.


We walked in and oh shot.


Did I say that out loud.

"Ummmm.. My brother is over there and if you want to stay safe for awhile before protective brother comes out her can not see us."

"That jerk is your brother. I though he was just an airhead football player." Of course he forgot the big chaos a couple days ago.

"Just don't let him see me."

"How can I help you?" Said the waiter.

"We would like a booth over there." Dylan said pointing the opposite way of my brother. Thank goodness.

"Ok, let me get you some menus"

We sat down and looked over what we wanted. I order lemonade, two bacon cheese burgers and fries. What I like food. Dylan was surprise that I ate it all and was still hungry.

We are and I looked who TJ was dating. No, it can not be her. It can't be. My no good ex best friend. She stinken stabbed me in the back. Dylan saw I was tense.

"What's wrong?" He asked with concern in his voice.

"My brother stabbed me in the back."

"How?" Now he was just plain confused.

"You see that girl that my brothers with,"


"She is my ex best friend, she stabled me in the back and then ditched me when I needed help." I said with pain.



And guess what we were sitting close to the bathroom and guess who needs to go, Sammy my ex friend.

"Oh, Stevie I didn't no you were here." She said.

"That was the point."


"Because I hate you and you ditched me."

"You still hold a groge don't you." And now Dylan saw the I am going to kill you look in my eyes and stepped in. "Hi, I am Dylan."

"Wow Stevie you actually got a boy to talk to you after the mistake you made."

"I did not make the mistake." Of course my voice rose at this subject and TJ looked over and saw me with surprise.

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