Chapter 15

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//////////Stevie pov//////////

I woke up at 6:00. I was going to school early so I can practice running. The big race is in 2 weeks.

I got up put on a black tank top and blue running shorts and grabbed jeans and a I hate morning shirt to put on after practice. I grabbed my phone and iPod with earbuds.


Going to school early, love you!


Can I come and practice there?

It was now 6:30 so I had time to practice.


Fine with me.

I ran to school and went to the second track. The first was getting ready for football practice. I went to go see coach first.

"Hey" I greeted.

" hi, you going to practice?"


I went to the track and I had 'some nights' by fun playing. I was singing along with it and the beat was when ever my feet hit the ground. It was 7:15 by the time I check my phone again. I had made it around one more time and then I got a text message.


Look at someone's new friend.

Attached was a picture of some girl and Dylan kissing at the front door. I closed my phone and darted to the front. When I turned the corner there they were and the girl was Samantha, she was head of the cheerleader.

"Dylan" I yelled.


"I thought we were dating not you and her."

"We are."

"Then why are you kissing her?"

"Because I wanted to."

"We are throw!"

I started to turn but then Dylan grabbed my arm.

"Let me go."

"No, we are dating. I chose when we brake up."

"Will to bad, I am breaking up with you." He squeezed my arm harder.

"We are still dating!"


He squeezed harder.



"Because I said so"

"We'll read my lips 'we are through"

"Nope, I don't care what is it you think. We are still dating."

"No" the pain I felt hurt so bad.

"Let her go!" I heard some one say.

"Why, I and just talking to my girlfriend, right?" He asked me.

"Right" my voice was quiet and wobbly but when I said it he loosened his grip. I am so going to have a bruise there.

"What did you say?" Pain was back.

"Right" I said a little louder.

The other person left and Dylan went to class because the bell had rung.

What did I do to make Dylan hurt me?

I went to class 5 minutes later.

"Where were you?" My teacher asked.

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