Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Dae: guys new pl@n

Dae: b@sed on info t#@t @J #@s given me

Dae: since we @ll #@ve bot# versions inst@lled

Dae: we @ll need to connect @nd "enter" @s soon @s possible

Dae: or we will @ll die #orrible de@t#s c@used by @ meteor

Dae: k@tie i will connect to you @s your server pl@yer

Dae: immedi@tely go to @lex

Dae: t#en @lex immedi@tely go to dr@ke

Dae: @nd so on

Dae: lets go

Glancing over the recent messages, you felt a weight grow in your chest. Dae was going to connect to you soon, and do whatever she needed to do, while you connected to Alex. This all seemed like it was going to end badly.

AJ: Also yoU All need To THrow someTHinG non HArmfUl in THe Glowy THinG THAT pops ouT of yoUr CrUxTrUder wHen yoU HiT iT

AJ: New Picture Message!

You looked over the cruxtruder carefully. It was a really fancy name for "a tube sticking out of a square pad that probably holds nothing important." It almost looked like joystick.

Katie: Why do we need to hit it with something then throw something in the glowy thing?

Katie: That seems really vague, too.

AJ: i donT know THATs wHAT THe forUms sAy

AJ: someTHinG AboUT A void session?

AJ: wAiT nope THATs someTHinG else

Drake: why are you reading the forums? shouldn't you be focused on connecting?

AJ: i Am ConneCTed yo

AJ: did we ever GeT A Hold of niCk?

Alex: i have been relaying info to him

' Alex: he knows the order right

Alex: just asked, he does

Dae: k@tie i just connected to you

Dae: connect to @lex now

Dae: i will get your glowy t#ing

Dae: @J got mine

You left the chat to go work on connecting. You heard some commotion going on in your house, and instantly became grateful that your mom wasn't home at the time. She would freak if she saw or heard all the commotion from whatever Dae was doing. Suddenly something landed right in your room, and you turned around to check it out after setting up the connection with Alex.

It was just like the picture that AJ had sent, and you frowned when one of your mom's large books suddenly fell on it from nowhere. The top of the tube popped open, and a glowy thing floated out towards you. You took note of the timer that said 4:13 on it, and was counting down.

You turned around and saw that you could see Alex's room. You messed around a little, and found that the controls for the game were quite similar to the Sims. You were curious of how you could see Alex's room, but didn't question it currently. You saw him working on connecting his own game to Drake's, before starting to put stuff down.

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