It's going to be okay.

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Luke laughs and tickles me more, causing me to squeal and squirm. His body has mine pinned beneath it, his legs straddling my hips so I can't move and his strong torso resisting my pushes.

"Relent! Tell me I win!"

I giggle and twist my body, causing him to grab my hips and twist me the other way, still trying to tickle me. "Never!" I squeal.

He snatches up my hands and pins them above my head. "Sayyyy iiittttt!" He pouts cutely, bottom lip sticking out more. I smile up at him, studying the way his lip ring shimmers in the light.

"Say what?"

"You know darn well what I want you to say!" He sits on my pelvis, refusing to let me go. I'm completely trapped beneath the pouting man, and he's very comfortable. He's not as heavy as many assume, despite the pure muscle he hides beneath his clothing, though I doubt he's putting all his weight on me.

"If I say it will you kiss me?"

"Only if you let me take you for ice cream, too."

I think about it, and I see a frown darken his beautiful face.

"Don't you dare think about calories!" he snaps, capturing my lips with his and clearing my mind the way only he can.

I melt, my eyes sinking closed. "I love you, Lucas Hemmings."

He smiles and moves off my hips, not disconnecting his  mouth from mine. "I love you more," He grumbles into my mouth, pulling me on top of him instead. I make sure to hover over him rather than sit, barely touching him.


"If you don't put that cute little butt down I will tickle you to tears, dammit."

I frown and pull my face away from his, earning a pout. "I don't want to crush you."

I go to move and his strong hands catch my hips, pushing them down so my bum rests on his abs despite my struggles and he holds me there. "You weigh absolutely nothing. You're skin and bone and I will fix that. I will make you gain weight and sooner or later I will make you see that you're beautiful and amazing and perfect and I won't stop until you do. I love you too much to let you  bully yourself. Do you understand me?"

I look down at his abs and trace, not meeting his eyes and keeping myself silent.

He shifts my legs so that they cannot possibly hold me up and runs his hands over my thighs. "You're perfect. Okay? I love every inch of you. If you were heavy I wouldn't be able to breathe this well, cutie. And I am breathing perfectly fine. I love it when you have a good day and sit on my lap or on my stomach, I love it when you sleep and cuddle me so that you're laying on my chest, or on top of me completely. Those are the best moments." 

I look at him, tears in my eyes. "Liar..."

"Not a liar." He hands me his phone. "Turn it on. Open it up."

I sigh and obey his strange command, finding a picture of me asleep on top of him, my head beneath his chin and body curled up into his with my chest flat to his, as his background. He's got the softest, most beautiful smile, and he's kissing my forehead.

"That is my all time favorite picture. I adore it. I show everyone my beautiful girlfriend, I do nothing but brag about how lucky I am. Do you really want to change so much?" he traces up my thighs and onto my hips, rubbing circles. "Talk to me."

"I... If I were to gain weight, would you still love me? What if I became obese?"

"I would love you just as much, if not more. If you were medically obese, I would be happy as long as you were. If you weren't, I'd make you happy. A little weight is good." He smiles and kisses my hands, releasing my hips so he can hold them. "And I would love you just as much as I do now, and find you just as gorgeous."

"What if I lost more weight?"

He sighs. "I would still love you, but I'd be worried and hurt. I would consider finding a hospital for you."

My eyes widen. "You would send me away?"

"Of course not. I would take you away. You think I'd leave you alone at some random hospital? No, I'd be right there by your side guiding your recovery, my love. I would never ever abandon you. Don't you know that by now?"

I blush and wipe my eyes, my body actually relaxed as I rest on top of his. "You're too good for me, Luke..."

"No. I'm just right for you." He smiles at me and wipes a tear off my cheek. "And you're my missing half. Now, ice cream!" He scoops me up and carries me out into the hallway. "Ash! Cal! Mike!" He booms, deep voice vibrating off the hotel walls. "Ice cream run!" 

I blush and squirm. "We need shoes and I can walk and-"

His lips smash into mine again to silence me. "You're wearing a bikini beneath your cloths and I still have on my swim trunks so we'll just run to the beach and eat our ice cream out there and I'm sure the boys are still ready to swim."

I smile a little bit. "Are you sure it's done raining?"

"If it's not, then we'll chill in the ice cream parlor and then we'll walk along the beach in the rain together so I can kiss that cute little face while in the rain like all the romantic movies do." He smiles at me. "You deserve a romantic rain kiss."

"Is that what you fantasize about?" I giggle. "Romantic rain kisses?"

"Only with you. As for carrying you... I'm gonna piggy back  you." He smiles and shifts so that I'm on his back, and he takes my legs in his grip and guides them around his waist. I snuggle into him and bury my face against his neck gently, breathing in his scent that I love so much.

"What's up?" Ash asks, rubbing his eyes, clearly just woken up.

"Ice cream," Luke says again as Calum joins the group.

"I think Micheal is down there already," Ashton says with a yawn. "Hey, Diana. How are you feeling?"

I hug Luke's shoulders gently, resting my chin against his neck. "I feel much better than I did."

"Good," Ashton smiles at me, everything a big brother should be. 

"Let's go," Calum smiles, leading the way.

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