Chapter 7

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Trinity POV

I went to go check on my shop since I haven't been there lately so I got carefully out of bed to get ready seeming that Devonate was home I was going to leave tiara here with him. I went to wake Devonate up to let him know where I'm going. "Baby wake up" I said as I shook him he got up and looked at me and said "good morning baby" I said "good morning how did you sleep" he said "good and said where you going with that tight ass dress on" I said "I'm going to check how my shop is doing and you don't mind watching tiara" he said "no I guess we could go to the park or something" I said "ok thanks baby and gave him a nice big tongue kiss and said bye love you" he said "love you too" as I drove off.

Devonate POV

When Trinity left I went to go make me and tiara some breakfast which was eggs, bacon, and pancakes when I finished I went to go wake her up when she woke up I said "good morning" and she said "good morning" I helped her with taking her a shower and getting her ready for today and went downstairs to eat after we ate we left to go to the park I let tiara play with the other kids I was looking around when I realized my baby called

D: hey baby
T: hey can you bring me something to eat I forgot to eat this morning
D: yeah we will be there in a minute
T: ok see you then love you
D: love you too

I told tiara its time to go see mom and we left the park went to McDonald's and I got her a large fries, 2 ice cream cones, and a double cheeseburger then drive off to her job when I went there this girl at the front desk looked at me and we stared at each other till she said my name and I said yes she said its me your little sister charity when I looked at her I went to her and hug her so tight I miss my little sister then Trinity came down and said "am I messing up something" I shook my head no and told her "I just find my little sister I been looking for" she said o "I'm sorry I'm happy for you"and gave both of them a hug "you ready to go home" I asked her she said yes. We got home and we took tiara to bed seeming she was sleep and we went up stairs we got and the shower and I started rubbing on her pussy and she moaned I stuck a two fingers in her and she said Fuck daddy and I went faster and she came. She said I want it and I said want what and she said give it to me now I told her no and she yelled FUCK ME I put my dick into her and started going stroking and going deep into her she was moaning so loud I bet our neighbors hear us we went four rounds last night and fell asleep the best thing that happened today is that I found my little sister.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 12, 2016 ⏰

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