A game of love~ England X Reader

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"Oh hon hon so little Britain is growing and wants to play a dirty game?" Said France. "You blody frog why can't you keep your moth closed and it was the Idiot America vthat wanted to play." Britain stated glaring at France.
It was Halloween and Britain and France along with the rest of the Allies, the axis, the Nordic five, Spain, Prussia, Canada and the other countries had been invited to America's Halloween party. Germany dressed as a Vampire, Italy a cat, Japan was Sebastian Michaelis. France had dressed as a demon a devil. The country of England had of course dressed as a Wizard. You had dressed in a long ball dress covered in red Hearts. You dressed up as the Queen of hearts and England couldn't agree more. You had caught his heart with your unique and charming personality.
America or Alfred had decided to play the game minutes in heaven. I would say seven but he had his own unique way of playing the game. You would take a slip from one hat stating the amount of time you would be in the closet with your partner longest being one hour. The other hat you pulled out their item to find out who you got. Which leads us to the conversation England and France were having.
"You could of hid like Norway, Japan and Canada did so you wouldn't be forced to play but you stayed in open sight for America to make play. Now who are you trying to gain the attention of black sheep if Europe?" France asked curiosity clearly in France's voice. England averted his eyes from France and they drifted to you who was sitting on the couch next to Hungary and Belarus. Your cheeks having a slight blush on them as you quietly spook to the fellow countries. "So you have fallen in love with the country (Made up Country), or (Y/N) black sheep, you want her to be with you in America's closet. How romantic of you Arthur." France said a smile on his face. "You have me there Francis, you bloody frog. Of course you would you're the country of love." England said his eye brows furrowed and his hands clenched into fists. France grabbed England'd shoulder and spoke into his ear. "You may be a black sheep to Europe but you deserve love, and I am pretty sure (Y/N) returns your feelings for her. I hope you get your chance with her Arthur." France spoke. "Thank you Francis." England said and he did an odd thing. He hugged France.
"You'll get your chance with Arthur, I am sure he loves you as you love him. He is always looking at you." Belarus said wishing Russia would acknowledge her. "Yes Belarus is right I see how he looks at you too, I'm sure Belarus is right and that he loves you as you do him (Y/N)." Hungary said. "I guess I cant argue with you two." You said "If course you can't (Y/N) if you did that would mean you're an idiot." Hungary said a laugh leaving her mouth at the end of the sentence. Soon you began to laugh with her and eventually Belarus joined in and laughed with you two. A loud voice rang in to the room.
"The game is ready to be played. First up to choose a time and item is.... Belarus." America screamed. Belarus reached into the hat with times and got ten minutes. She then chose an Item and she got Prussia. As they walked into the closet you heard Prussia say. "So, mein leibling would you like mein awesome five meters?" Then a shout if pain as he was most likely hit in his 'five meters'. Ten minutes later the door was opened for a glaring Belarus to walk out and a grumpy Prussia to walk out after.
"Now it is (Y/N)'s turn." America said over excitedly. You first reached into the hat to grab a time, you pulled out 15 minutes. Next you reached into the hat with items in it. You pulled out a bag of English toffee. England stood up and exscorted you into the closet. "Ladies first." Arthur said holding the door for you. You stepped in to the closet noit tripping once. Arthur then walked in behind you."Then the gentleman second to enter." He said quietly.
"So how have you been love?" Britain asked you, whilst turning the closet light on. "I've been well but I'm better now that I've seen you. I like your costume. Now may I ask what house are you in? Your robes do not say." You said. "Funny (Y/N), I guess Slytherin would suit me." Arthur said with a smirk. Upon him smirking your heart rate soead up and you began to blush. "I guess so Arthur." You said looking down. "When you blush U find it irresistible. Love, look up." Arthur said. You looked up into England's eyes, and England looked down into your eyes. He leaned down and kissed you gently and you kissed back slowly. Soon you wrapped your arms around his neck. You pulled away from the kiss and England did the same. "I think you know how I feel now." England said smiling. You nodded and hugged him close while putting your head on his chest. "I feel the same, we'll be eachother's until eternity ends which will never end." You said. England put his right hand on your back and his left on your cheek, he kissed your cheek right before the closet door was opened.
"It's Ukraine's turn, meaning your guy's time is up. I'm happy you both found love" Alfred said smiling at Arthur. Arthur just smiled and led you out if the closet. From the courage Francis gave Arthur your life's as Lovers began. Ukraine pulled out a 5 minute time slip and a pair of yellow boxers. She assumed it was France and was about to say some thing to him when she heard Italy. "Ve~ those are mine I had an extra pair incase I a drank a too much of the weine and git drunk and either soiled my self or had to spend the night here or with another country in case I couldn't a drive." He said. You and England watched in amusement as Italy's voice was well heard out side the closet telling Ukraine a lot of weird stuff about Germany and Japan such as that Ludwig likes BDSM(I believe this was in season one.) And how Kiku reads pornographic manga such as hentai(alsdo in season one he found it in Japan's library.) Poor Germany and Italy but it was hilarious for England and you. "I love you (Y/N), and I always will." England said. "I love you too and will forever to Arthur." You said. Your eyes became heavy and you fell asleep in his arms. He took you home that night to his home in England and laid you in his bed with him to sleep.

Who knew courage given from a Frenchman and a game of seven minutes in heaven could help two in love begin their relationship.

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