Prussia x Reader

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I'm sorry for not updating for so long I was very busy and didn't have much time. It's ok if your mad that I didn't update. This one-shot is very Important because it's based off me and I guy I liked who goes to school with me but the ending for this one will be happy or sad, you get to choose, so instead of how mine was. I really hope you like it.

Come' on just tell me.' Elizabeta wrote to you through messenger. She was your best friend and you protected each other.I' told you, I don't want to tell anyone who I like.' You wrote back in your messenger chat. 'You know who i like (Y/N), so please tell me.' Came up from Elizabeta on your messenger. 'Fine, tell anyone you die.' You write back. 'Ok.' She replied in the chat. 'I like Gilbert, I tried to deny it for a while but when he got a girlfriend i got jealous and even then I refused to admit I liked him. I didn't want to like anyone until I was older and more mature, though I am old because a country, I still didn't think my self as mature enough. I dont like that I'm in love and like him because I can't tell my hormones from my actual emotions.' You wrote to her.
Elizabeta sat on her phone reading your message stunned and finally began to write or type back. 'I see him everyday and known him since I was a little country and we didn't get along but we also did. Our relationship was an odd one for sure because of the confusion I had as a child country in who and what I was.' This appeared on your screen and before you could write back she had sent another message. 'Why do you like him?' she asked through the messenger app. 'I know my reason is dumb but I'll tell you. He started to message me back in February and kept flirting and trying to make me smile, he only did it once but it was for hours and this dumb conversation caused me to fall in love but I didn't want to but I couldn't help it, kept trying to resist but it was to no avail that I knew I had began to like him.' You wrote and pressed send. 'You reason isn't dumb. You couldn't help how you felt. Does he acknowledge you at meetings?' She said and asked. 'No.' You wrote upset remembering he didn't. 'I see him everyday I can get him to.' She wrote. You were shy and quiet typed no and hit send. 'Why not?' Elizabeta asked. 'I don't think he'll like what he sees.' You wrote sadly, insecure of your looks ' You're beautiful, I hate when you feel insecure.' She wrote back. 'Thanks, I'm sorry I shouldn't act that way.' You wrote apologizing. 'It's Ok. I gotta go, see you when you come over tomorrow. Bye.' Elizabeta wrote. 'Bye.' You wrote back.
~The Next Day~
You sat on Elizabeta's and Roderick's couch."Hey Austria, I hope your doing well." You said smiling to Austria as he played the piano. "(Y/N) you look nice today." Elizabeta complimented. "Thanks." You said smiling. "Your dumb friend is hiding in the bush again." Austria said, pointing to Prussia. "Oh (Y/N) look it's your Prussia." Hungary said trying to be loud and to embarrass you. "Shut up." You said slapping her arm. Austria stated at you two oddly before speaking. "I won't ask what that was about but if he comes in smack him with your frying pan." Austria said to Hungary. "Alright." She said. You just sat on the couch continuing to blush. "I'm bored let's go shopping." Hungary said. You agreed. You went shopping but Hungary started to talk to you. "You know, I'm eventually going to tell him, if you don't have the guts to do so." Hungary said non-chalantly. "You wouldn't." You said. "I will if you don't, and you know it." Hungary stated. "I'm just not ready to plus he won't even talk to me in person and doesn't notice me when I'm around." You said. "He wouldn't you don't put yourself out there enough for him too!" She said. "You know that's hard for me too do." You said. "I know that's why I'll tell him for you." She said. "Please not yet." You said. "Fine but I will eventually."
~Friday of that Week~
You were at Hetalia academy, for the countries. You were happy Elizabeta didn't tell Prussia anything this week, and you were in your last class of the day. The bell rang and you ran home. "I look older than a high schooler but still have to go but it's fun." You thought a loud to yourself. You We're home, and had no work so you messaged Elizabeta. 'Hey.' You wrote in messenger. You then got a message you weren't suspecting from her. 'I can't hold it anymore I need to tell him for you! I see him so much especially at the academy Hetalia school for us and it's so hard not to tell him.' She wrote to you. 'No you can't tell him.' You told her. 'You're screwed.' She wrote to you. 'Why?' You wrote back. 'He hasn't been by my and Austria's place lately but I found another way to tell him. I just added him on Facebook and messenger.' She wrote. 'I hate you, but that doesn't matter it says he's not in line so you can't talk to him until he is.' You write feeling victorious. 'I can wait until he comes online, and he knows if he doesn't answer me I'll hit him with my frying pan.' She wrote and now it was Hungary feeling victorious. 'Well last time I checked he has a girlfriend do he can't date me.' Yiu wrote back. 'Saying it's complicated as a relationship status usually means they're on a break or ones in denial if the break up.' Hungary wrote. 'Why did you check it? Just to make sure you can prove your point?.' You asked writing back to her.
She didn't write back for a minute or five. 'Sorry I was doing some work, Oh and look your Prussia is online.' She finally wrote back. 'Oh shut up!' You wrote back.'I just messaged him.' She wrote. 'WHAT DID YOU SAY?' You asked using all caps to stress your point but only being annoying. "I asked if he had a girlfriend. He said he doesn't and wants to know why.' She wrote back. 'I hate you.' You wrote back. 'I know by the way I told him it's because my friend likes him, he wants to know who it is.' She replied back. 'DON'T TELL HIM I LIKE HIM!' You wrote back to her angry. 'Don't worry I will.' She wrote back trying your nerves and patience. 'Please just don't tell him today, I'll tell him when I'm ready.' You wrote back and actually felt like crying. 'Fine I won't tell him today.' She wrote back. 'Thanks you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank You!' You wrote back repeatedly. 'Yeah, Sure.' She wrote back. You two then proceeded to talk a few hours but she said she had to go offline for the night and said bye, a few minute later you got an odd message and it surprised you. It was from Gilbert. He hasn't messaged since that one day where he kept messaging for hours on end trying to impress me and flirt.
'Hey.' That's all it said. With shaky hands you wrote back hi. 'Wyd?' You got messaged back from him. 'I'm watching (Your favorite Youtuber here.' You replied back still nervous, and wondering why he was messaging you after so long. 'I like him/her/them too.' He wrote back. You suspected Elizabeta told him and lied to you and started to blow up her messenger knowing she would see them tomorrow. Prussia or Gilbert then started flirting with you but said something really Perverted after you asked him a question about what he meant by taking your talking to the next level. You were innocent when it came to dating, flirting, kissing, because you never did it, you knew a lot about it but never did it(I am not saying what the guy I liked from school wrote because It embarrassed me, he apologized when I got mad about it though at least.) You told him no and ew. He laughed and jokes and lol'd at how he said he could step it up. You just told him this 'Still I'm not into that stuff, I like you, and wouldn't mind dating but not that stuff.' He then said, 'Wait you like me?' You said yes and that you weren't afraid to admit because you would if he asked you to admit because you hate lying. You two then got to talking and he tried to get to know you.
~The Next Day~
'That is odd.' Elizabeta wrote back to you reading your messages you sent her while she was offline. You still suspected she told him before you told him and he was just playing along for her sake to keep you from being mad at her. You were still talking a few hours later. 'I have something to admit.' Elizabeta wrote to you. 'Yeah?' You messaged her. 'I told him, and I told him not to tell you I told him, and he agreed.' She wrote to you. Your suspicions were confirmed. 'I know.' You wrote back. 'You're being calm.' She wrote to you. 'Sorry when do you want to die, he was a pervert and flirt! He stopped after I admitted to him I liked him and apologized but it still made me mad.' You wrote back. 'I don't want to die. What did he say?' She wrote to you. You then screen shorted everything except the Perverted thing he had said because you deleted it . You told her that personally. 'I'm sorry.' You said ok but eventually you two got annoyed with eachother because you kept bringing it up. 'I want you say sorry in person, not over messenger it's more sincere in person.' You wrote. 'I didn't know that's what you wanted but if it will make you shit up , I'll say sorry at academy on Tuesday.' She said. 'Thanks you Elizabeta that's all I wanted I should of been more clear.'
~Friday of That Week~
You had been talking to Prussia and he always tried to make you feel pretty and was a major flirt but he still hasn't to you at the academy, but you had no clubs or classes with eachother anyway. You got told you could do better but didn't listen to anyone but only yourself who was in love blindly. Today you got news from a close friend that made you cry. "Your um crush asked me out and apologized to me for being a douchebag to me last year, I told him no and that I knew you liked him but he just asked me out two more times and I just said no two more times." The fellow friend and country told you. "Oh." Was all you said. She then proceeded to show you the saved messages between her and him. "I'm really sorry (Y/N)." She said acting like it was her fault. "You don't need to say sorry, it's not your fault , it's my fault for not listening to the warnings I got and for falling or a douchebag in the first place." You said close to tears but refusing to cry because your friend already thought it was her fault and you knew it wasn't so you refused to cry because you didn't want to make her feel worse. You messaged Elizabeta because she wasn't in this class with you and told her everything. 'I'm not at the academy I had a country problem I needed to take care of so I couldn't come today, but I'll kill him with my frying pan.' She wrote. She then tried to console you for the day.
~A Few Weeks Later~(This is where this story differs from my actual experience.)
You had stopped messaging him and barely acknowledged Prussia. He didn't seem to care you guessed because he wasn't messaging you him
himself anyway. 'I guess he never cared at all.' You thought to yourself. Of course that was the minute when he finally messaged you, right when you thought that. 'Why did you stop messaging me?' Prussia's message said. 'You're asked my friend out and she showed me the messages. You asked her out when you were talking to me, flirting with me, you even said in one message to me if I wanted you to date me I would have to talk to you(the guy I liked did say that to me but he never messaged me wondering why I ignored him for a while.) And I did I even offered to let you borrow my Black Butler manga so we could talk in person and so you can read them because you said you wanted to start watching it, so I thought you might like it and you turned me down(I offered to let the guy I Ike borrow my Manga's and he turned me down, but like I said he never messaged me asking me why i stopped talking to him.). I gave you the chance to talk at the academy and you ignored it. You lead me on thinking you cared about me and now I don't think you ever really cared.' You wrote to him pissed but also sad. 'I'm sorry, I never should if done that to you, It was wrong (Y/N).' He wrote back. 'It's fine, I don't care any more.' You write back, you were lying though you hated liars but you couldn't break for him. 'Give me one more chance, please. What do you say? I promise I won't do this again, I feel horrible for what I did, I knew you had no dating experience or anything and I still hurt you and never realized it until you told me. I deserve to rot in hell for it. I should of asked you out, or turned you down, I shouldn't of been a douchebag and lyed to you and lead you on like I did. I'm sorry. Give me one last chance.' He wrote to you. 'I don't want to be hurt again Gilbert, I don't know if i can trust you. I've always had trust issues and it's been hard to trust people, I trusted you a lot and you broke that trust. I don't want that to happen again.' You wrote back. 'How about instead of giving me one more chance, we start over again... as friends?' He wrote to you. 'As friends? Not me as a girl who liked you?' you wrote back asking him. And we can take it from there and I promise to talk to you at school. What do you say?' He wrote asking to you. 'I guess we could try to be friends and take it from there, But if you try anything Elizabeta will beat you with her frying pan.' You wrote to him. 'I'll deserve to be hit with a frying pan if I screw up again. I gotta go ttyl.' He wrote to you. "Is this a new friendship or a mistake? I guess I'll find out in time." You said out loud to yourself.

Was this ending happy or sad to you or something completely different? I hope you liked it.

If I would of ended it with what happened to me it would of been, that I tried to talk to him thinking I might of overreacted only for him to barely talk and write about three to seven words to me at most. I tried to talk to him twice and got treated like that because I had ignored him because asked my friend out and didn't tell him why, he didn't get mad, he commented on one of my posts and I replied to be nice only for him to try to flirt and I just like the comment because I wanted to stay strong and not talk to him but then I messaged him a few week layers like I said I did and that's how he responded to me but he still tried to be slightly nice, he then got a girlfriend who I don't know but she looks nice, so I stopped talking to him once again because I don't want to bother him with his girlfriend. I learned my lesson with him. I hope you like this story.

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