Cute/Fluffy Prussia X Reader

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     You laid in a field grass surounded your body. Next to you laid Prussia. His hair was disheveled nd his eyes were closed. In his hands were a was a single red rose. His hand covered the ring he planned to give you.

     "Gilbert let's play agame, I'll be the bride and you be the groom." You said.  Your eyes sparkled witgh happiness. A smile rested on your lips. Prussia stood up and thought to him self 'This made my plan even easier. ' "Of course we can play a game (Y/N)." Gilbert said smiling after he finished his words. 

        Picking a white flower from the field you put it in your hair, behind your ear. Smiling you grabbed the hand Prussia wasn't holding the Rose with and kissed him on the cheek. Prussia blushed before he began to smile. "Now Prussia say you take me to be your wife." You said. "Okay. I take (Y/N) (L/N) to be my wife." Gilbert said. "I take Gilbert Beilschmidt, to be my husband." You said wishing you actually could marry your lover. 

                                                                  "Now kiss the bride."

         These words you spoke is what made Gilbert most excited. With his one hand he grabbed you gently and leaned down to kiss you gently. You kissed back and felt the same magnificent sparks that have occurred as long as you and Prussia have been together. Your love hasn't died after being together for over two hundred years. You both have stopped aging almost completely and will remain ever immortal. Your kiss ended with Gilbert Pulling away and Prussia shly looking down. 

     "Prussia, what's wrong?" You asked concerned. "I need to ask you the biggest favor of my life (Y/N)." Prussia said hesitantly.  "What is it?" You asked. Prussia looked up into your eyes and said the words you've waited to hear for a century. 

                                                                                               "Will you marry me (F/N) (M/N) (L/N)?" 

Prussia was down on bended knee holding the red rose out to you. A black stoned, and gold banded ring rested on the stem of the flower. Your eyes filled with tears of joy and you flung your self onto Prussia. 

           "Of course I'll Marry you, you idiot I've been waiting for you to ask for a century." You said through tears, grabbing the rise and taking the ring of the stem and slipping it on your ring finger. You laid your head in Prussia's chest. "You are beautiful." Prussia said to you. "I may be beautiful but your heart is perfect and beautiful, Gilbert." You said. "So is your's (Y/N), so is your's." Prussia said before kissing you. But not course he just had to ruin the moment. Pulling from the kiss he said "Now that were getting married I'll finally be able to use mein awesome five meters on you." Gilbert said before 'SMACK' "You ruined a beautiful moment you idiot." You said. "Yes but I am your idiot and always will be." Gilbert said laughing. You just smiled laying on Prussia's chest looking at the clouds on the field, and soon drifting if to sleep.

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