Apologies (Ex! Best friend Germany x Forgotten reader)

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A young girl in her junior year of Highschool walked to school her head down as she listened to music. Her hair hung in her face as she her headphones played loudly in her ears. Another day if school, homework and finally sleeping. The girl had (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes. She used to love going to school to see her friends especially her best friend Ludwig but not anymore.
When Ludwig and (Y/N) reached highschool they separated into different groups, Ludwig was in the intelligent and athletic group and you didn't really fit in there. You tried to keep your friendship alive but little by little Ludwig seemed to fit get you and the friendship you two had before highschool. You two no longer talked, didn't message eachother and didn't even have eachother on social media. You finally arrived to the school, raiding your head up you looked to your group of friends and smiled softly at them and waved as you walked over to them. As you walked over to your friends Arthur, Alfred, and Matthew, and Feliks you were knocked down by a tall and heavy force that knocked the breath our of your body.
"My gosh, I am very sorry I vas trying to catch up with my friends and wasn't looking where I was going. Can I have your name so I can properly say I am sorry?" The tall man asked you. The tall man who used to be your best friend.
"My name? Of course. My name is (F/N), (L/N), Ludwig." You said trying to be polite to your best friend or ex you could say who forgot what your name was and who you were. In three years he for got your name and in the time if preschool through eighth grade you didn't make a big enough impression for him to remember your name.
"Your name sounds familiar, have ve met before? I'm sorry once again for knocking you down by the vay (Y/N)." Ludwig asked whilst also apologizing to you.
"Yes we have met before." You said trying to keep your anger down at Ludwig, upset with him forgetting you.
"May I ask? Vhen did ve met eachother?" Ludwig asked you curiously.
"We were best friends for almost ten years and when we reached highschool we got separated and you kinda forgot me in the past three years, you kinda blew me off to be with your new friends so I guess you just forgot me." You told Ludwig your head down not wanting to look him in the eyes to see his reaction but sadly you would get worse then his reaction.
"I vouldn't forget a friend, especially not a best friend! I have trouble making friends. You probably just want to use me or your desperate for friends, I don't forget those I care about. J-just lass mich einfach allein du verrückt Idiot(Just leave me alone you insane idiot)." The man told you harshly before walking away. You felt tears come to your eyes but you quickly wiped your eyes refusing to cry in front of the kids at your school. You started from where you left off from and walked over to your friends like you were going to before?
"What was all that about love?" Arthur asked you politely seeing as your friends had watched the event but they couldn't hear what you or Ludwig has been talking about.
"An old friend who isn't my friend any more is 'What all that was about.' Arthur." You spoke to Arthur right before the first bell rang signalling you needed to start going to class. You and got friends went into the school and headed to first period.

~Time Skip to Ludwig's and Gilbert's.~

"Vest you've been acting odd since ve've gotten home. What's up?" Gilbert asked Ludwig wondering why his brother was acting so oddly.
"Vell I ran into this girl and asked her, for her name so I could aapologize properly; but her name sounded very familiar. I asked her if we met before and she said yes, then I asked her how and she said we were best friends for almost ten years but I forgot her when we got to highschool. I told her she was an insane idiot, and that I never forget friends especially best friends and that she was either desperate for friends or wanting to use me because I have trouble making friends in general then Iwalked away from her. The thing is I looked back as I was walking away from her, I looked back and she looked genuinely hurt and upset and looked like she was going to cry." Ludwig explained to Gilbert. Gilbert looked at Ludwig almost in shock and an odd look seemed to pass through his odd red eyes before he began to speak to Ludwig.
"Vas the girl's name (F/N), (L/N)?" Gilbert asked timidly compared to his usual tone of voice.
"Why yes it vas! Is she your friend or something?" Ludwig asked Gilbert.
"No she vasn't my friend! She vas your best friend but you did forget her! I remember her you idiot! She used to hang around here until highschool with you all the time! Vhen highschool started you didn't invite her over as much and eventually stopped inviting her over around the second semester of freshman year, by your sophomore year of Highschool it vas like you forgot her, you never talked about her and you didn't invite her over anymore. You only invited over your new friends. I thought maybe you had a falling out but it looks like your forgot someone who used to mean everything to you. I'm surprised vest, I vould think better of you. Now let's think of how sad that girl is now not only did you forget her but you called her a liar, desperate an idiot and a user! No vonder she looked like she vanted to cry she was probably holding her tears in because of you! You screwed up big time vest." Gilbert yelled at his younger brother.
​​​​​​ "I can't believe this. I really am an idiot." Ludwig said out loud slapping his forehead leaving a dark red mark on it.
"Vest we already established you're an idiot." Gilbert said glaring at his younger brother.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2017 ⏰

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