Japan X Deaf Reader

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Story title: I wish you could hear me say I love you.

Requested on Quotev


You were a country but you were born with out the sense of hearing. You hated concentrating to read lips. You knew sign language but you preferred reading what people had to say to you. Japan was your best friend and still is. He has helped you with this since he met you. He never treated you like you couldn't do things on your own, he knew you could. ​​​​​​ You had fallen in love with him. Though he accepted you, you've always been to scared to tell him, still afraid to be rejected and that he may accept you but not want you as a lover.

'She is so beautiful.' Japan though to him self. He of course thought of you. 'Her eyes so beautiful and bright.' He thought. Your image brightly shone in his mind. "Her hair is so beautiful, the softness could never be matched by any other girl.' He said in his mind about you. He dreams about you and only you. Wishing every night he could hold your body in his arms at night. Wishing he could hug you during the day. 'I wish she could hear me say, I love you.' Japan thought wistfully. 'I wish I at least had at least the courage to at least write it to her." Japan said out loud.
You and Japan
You were at home reading a book when Japan, using the key you gave him. He waljed behind you and poked your shoulder. You became startled. "Y-you scared me Kiku." You said. You looked at Japan and your eyes wandered to him. Grabbing a piece of paper; Japan wrote something down. 'I am sorry (Y/N).' The paper said. You smiled and said "It's okay." Japan sat down next to you and patted your head. 'You are very Kawaii.' He wrote down and showed you. A blush Rose to your cheeks. You smiled and patted Japan's shoulder. Now Japan was the one blushing. He looked at you and he began to remember what he had been thinking about earlier. He stood up and quickly write down 'I have to go I am so sorry (Y/N).' He showed you the paper. *It's okay have a good day Japan." You said. He left and a smile came to your face as you thought about it.
You and Japan (The Next Day.)
You waited for Japan to come over. He sent you a message saying he was coming over. You smiled thinking of Japan his pure black hair and his dark brown eyes. He had opened him self to you which he barely did for any one. He wrote to you how China raised him and why he agreed to allie with Germany and Italy. You knew almost everything about him. He even wrote to you about the Manga's and Hentai he makes. Barely anyone knows about his Hentai. You love Japan.

The confession and nervousness of Kiku Honda
Japan knew he had to tell you. You were too important to him for you not to know that he loves you. He was so scared of you rejecting him though. He walked to your home. The cold wind whipped across his face blowig his hair around. His eyes looked at the houses he walked past. Some blue, some grey. Your house stod out among those two common house colors. Your house was built of red bricks and was smaller then the other houses on the street. He loves your little house. It suited you. You are so unique and beautiful, just like your house. Walking to the door of your house Japan unlocked the door and walked in. You say waiting for him with a smile on your face. Seeing that smile of yours made Kiku's heart beat speed up. 'I gave something important to tell you, (Y/N).' Kiku wrote down for you. "What is it?" You asked. He began to write rapidly. "(Y/N) since the day we met o have had special feelings for you and I was always to afraid to show you them. I wish you could hear me say this: and here it is. I LOVE YOU AND ALWAYS WILL.' You started to cry. You flumg your arms around Kiku's neck and hugged him tight. " I love you too." You screamed at Kiku. Though you weren't sure you thought you were to loud. You got quieter and wrote down instead of talking. 'I love you too but I thought because I couldn't hear you wouldn't want to be with me because you didn't want or think you would have to take responsibility of me Kiku.' You wrote and showed him. Kiku smiled and wrote down, 'I thought you wouldn't want to be with me because you would think I was just doing it out of pity or that You would want to remain independent. I'm happy you love me too.' He wrote down showing you. Kiku leaned over and kissed both your ears and wrote again. 'You may not be able to hear but that doesn't matter because you're perfect even without your sense of hearing.' You smiled and kissed Japan on the cheek.

​​​​​​~The Future~
You and Japan married a year later. Two years later you became pregnant. You had twins one was a boy and one was a girl. The boy had Black hairhair and green eyes. The girl had light brown hair and pale grey eyes. Though you couldn't hear your children you knew they loved you for you. Everyday of your life you were grateful that Japan loved you for who you were. The memory of that fateful day he confessed his love to you through a message, constantly put a smile on your face. You told your children the story of how you two came together and both your children in awe wished for such a romantic love story to happen for tge!m. Later on your little girl married Sealand after they fell in love when he was so kind tyo her and she told him he could be a country, a love story similar to yours and Japan's though the reasons why were different. You little boy married Lichtenstein after he helped her break out of her shell. Switzerland even approved of the marriage, which was odd for him. You may be different when it comes to not having the sense of hearing but that never mattered to Japan, you were perfect to him from day one and now he has all eternity to show you how much he loves you. You had the perfect love story.

​​​​​​​ I hope you enjoyed it.

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