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After arriving at the hotel, Savannah decided she would treat everyone to dinner. They each went to their individual suites to shower, and prepare for their night out. Their attire was dress-casual; they each wore long-flowing skirts of similar length, with splits along their right leg. The splits started mid-thigh and continued through out the skirt. They each wore crop tops of various design. Liliana Jade wore dark make-up of course and lots of jewelry; Autumn chose a more light tone, no make-up with her hair neatly piled on the top of her head. Savannah Paige was a direct mixture of her friends; she wore Gold hoop earrings and her hair in a large bun on top of her head. She lightly applied her eye shadow and lipstick. "Ughhh.." Autumn groaned. "Savannah it always takes you the longest to get dressed!" "Well, I actually care what I look like Autumn Tiauna!" Savannah bit back. "How dare you, take it ba.." "Ladies, you both look stunning, now the Roscoe is waiting on us" Lily said, once again saving the day. 

The ladies were headed to the car when it happened. Lily heard the most sensually beautiful voice ever. She couldn't help turning to find the owner of the voice. It hadn't registered to her that the voice was yelling "Star", Star was Savannah's childhood nickname, only close friends/family knew her as Star. Even then, Lily could only think of two people who were brave enough to call her Star in public; Panda, and herself. Jade snapped out of her day dream and was surprised to see the most beautiful man standing directly in front of her. He was every bit of 6'5 with long black hair tied at the base of his neck. He wore an original Armani suit, but the suit couldn't hide his muscled features. He was like nothing she had ever seen before. He reminded her of an Angel. Her Angel. His presence caused all of her senses to react, this aggravated and excited her at the same time. She hadn't felt this way since she met Jason in high school. She noticed that the thought of Jason didn't make her cringe, she refused to let herself to believe that this had anything to do with this angel standing in front of her. "Hello...Lily.." Star said while waving her hands around in Lily's face. "Oh, excuse me" she said hating herself for falling into yet another day dream. "Lily Flower, this is my hero and best friend William Easton" Star said with so much enthusiasm. "Hello, Ms. Black, you can call me Blake." Lily found herself silently staring at the perfection standing before her. Panda saw the look in Lily's eyes and came to her rescue, as usual. "Blake Easton? Blake Easton, as in the music producer?" "Yes, you've heard of me?" Blake asked with a slight smile forming on his lips. "Have I, Lily this is Blake Easton the two-time, Grammy winning producer" Autumn said with tension in her voice. It was just enough to snap Lily out of her senseless staring. "Oh, yes, Mr.Easton nice to meet you" She stuck her hand out to shake his and immediately regretted the action. With one touch Blake ignited all of her senses. For a moment they stared into each other's eyes as if they were searching for something deeper. Lily was the first to pull away, and immediately wished she hadn't. Star and Panda stood there with confused looks on their face; this was akward. "Well, Blake we have dinner reservations, as always it was nice seeing you" Star said trying to hide the confusion in her voice. "Yes, it was very nice seeing you all" Blake said never taking his eyes off of Liliana, who was now pretending to be occupied with a ripple in her skirt. She looked up and smiled her appreciation to his comment.

They rode to the restaurant in silence. Jade was thankful for the silence, but she knew she couldn't avoid the questions Savannah and Autumn were dying to ask her. How does she explain to her best friends that she had met a man who could see through her soul with his piercing green/hazel eyes. And ignite every ounce of passion in her body with one touch. She wasn't sure about the relationship between him and Star, but she knew it wasn't romantic Savannah had given up on love and relationships, just as she and Autumn had. She could see the millions of questions in their faces, she had to think and think fast. Savannah and Autumn were generally loving, but they could be harsh when it came to protecting the ones they love. That is why she loved them so much they'd do anything to protect her, even from herself. What would they think if she told them about her reaction to Blake. She decided she would avoid the questions, she had no intention of seeing Blake Easton ever again. He could prove to be trouble.

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