Perfect Paradise

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By three that evening the ladies had put their eventful morning behind them, and were looking forward to the rest of their day. They had spent lunch in Liliana's suite catching up, and disagreeing about everything as usual. There was however, one thing they all could agree on. Men were no good and the least of their worries. "Uhmm, Lily what's on the agenda for the day. I love talking with you guys, but I need sun light in my life." Savannah said while putting on her 9-inch red stilettos. "Sheesh, i hope we aren't doing anything that requires putting on ankle-breakers" said Autumn. *Gasp*"I'll have you know these are my favorite shoes and they're perfect for any occasion" Savannah said genuinely appalled at Autumn's synopsis of her shoes. "Can, you walk in sand with them or swim in them, because i was kind of feeling the beach today" Liliana said hoping Savannah would be receiving. She watched as the frown on Savannah's face was instantly replaced by a heart-warming smile. "You're always saving the day lily, the Beach sounds perfect, I'll go get changed.Autumn was already out of the room and headed to her suit case before Jade could mumble a word to her.

The ladies returned thirty minutes with nothing more than their bathing suits on; no shoes, no make-up, no jewelry, and no fancy hair pins, just pony tails and bra-topped bikinis. Jade wore a black bikini with a silver fleur de lis in the upper right hand corner of her right boob. Autumn chose to wear a white bikini accented with black words, and it was no secret that Savannah would be wearing a red bra-topped bikini with small black ballet slippers in the upper right hand corner of each boob. They were stunning. Every person at the beach watched in amazement as the ladies arrived. There were the drooling/perverted men, and the envious/appreciative women. They were truly an amazing sight to see. Three women of equal intelligence, talent, and beauty; their presence was captivating. They walked with such ease down the sandy shore of the beach; it was as if they didn't even notice that everyone had stopped to watch them. In fact, they didn't notice they were to focused on blowing off steam and enjoying each others presence. The ladies took a break from their stroll when they reached the side of the beach without life guards. They were seated in three lounge chairs along the shore. For what seemed like forever, the ladies sat in silence, taking in the beauty of the water. Savannah spoke first. "Isn't it amazing" she asked, never taking her eyes off of the water. "Me, oh yes I am quite amazing" Autumn teased. "No, seriously isn't what amazing Savannah?" "The water, it's so beautiful, with one glance your soul is captivated and every ounce of stress or tension immediately vacates your body. Gosh, I love this place!" Jade and Autumn just stared at their friend in amazement of her description. She looked at them with a baffled expression on her face, "What" she asked. Lily was the first to reply. "Your words, when did you become so in touch with nature and it's beauty?" Savannah simply smiled her appreciation and shrugged her shoulders. "Hey, If I didn't know any better I'd think you were after my title Savannah Paige" Autumn said still in awe of her friends word choice. "I would never, we all know dance is my life, I don't have time for words or poetry. No offense Panda, but you can keep your title" Savannah replied. There was silence, the ladies had returned to basking in the beauty of the ocean.

For once, they actually sat by the shore and enjoyed the sun and the freedom that surrounded them. Their afternoon was filled with laughter, meaningless conversation, and drawing in the sand. It was 7:30 before anyone noticed that they hadn't stepped foot into the water. "I'm upset, this is my favorite swim suit, and I didn't even put my feet in the water" Autumn said as they made their way to the car. "I guess it was too peaceful to be disturbed" said Savannah. "Yes, it was so calming, one could only sit back and revel in it's beauty" Jade said in agreement. Autumn just stared at them blankly. "You guys should seriously consider a career in journalism; it's not that bad, I find peace in writing." "That's how I feel about music" Liliana said, "When I'm on stage or writing a song, the world around me ceases to exist, and I find my perfect paradise." "It's the same with dance, I simply let the music take me to my happy place, and I lose myself in the movement. That is when I find my refuge; I couldn't ask for a better outlet." There was a long-drawn out silence that filled the atmosphere. Liliana looked around at her friends, they seemed so at peace and so content. She literally felt her heart melt, for the first time in forever, she was genuinely happy.

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