thirty seven

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March 29th, 2007

Dear Barry,

I saw it again. The car. I think you saw it, too. You should have said something so I could respond with "about freaking time, Allen". Okay, maybe I wouldn't have said that, but it would be a great line if we had our own sitcom. And, yes. I know what you're thinking. I am indeed using humour to cover up the fact that I am terrified. Can you tell? Probably, you're Barry. I want you to wrap your arms around me, tell me everything is okay, that you'll protect me. Please protect me, tell me that you won't let anything happen to me like you always do. I need you to tell me that, okay? I just need you, Bar.

  Love always, Cassie

letters to the stars ° barry allen ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora