fifty four

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Dear Cassie,

They say the first love will always stay with you. You stayed with me, you were always there. It's been almost 8 years and not a day goes by that I don't think about you. You were my best friend. You were the one who taught me what friendship really meant, you taught me what love was. Moving on after you was hard. I lost yet another person I love. You meant so much to me and suddenly, you were gone. I was so upset and angry, how could someone just rip you away from me? I needed you to be here with me, I needed to know you were okay. After you died, I started writing letters to you. I wrote for months on end but eventually, I gave up. I focused on school and my future- without you. I soon forgot about the letters but not you. When I awoke from the coma, I didn't remember you were gone. But I remembered the letters. I wrote letters to the stars in hopes of you being among them, I always felt that you would shine brighter than anyone in the abundance of stars. I found you, your star. I laid in the grass while staring up at the night sky and they you were, shining so bright. I spent all night crying, I know now what I have to do. I broke off my engagement, I couldn't follow through with a marriage I'm not fully committed to. All this time I've been focused on moving on but I can't. I can't move on knowing that you never got the happy ending you deserved. You deserved the world. You deserved love and happiness, you deserved to be here. You were all I ever wanted and all I ever needed. Cassie, you were my home. And I just haven't been the same, I feel homeless. You were my rock, the only person I trusted to keep my secrets. You were the only one I have ever loved. You were my first love, I only hoped you would be my last. You're the one I want to hold on my worst days, the voice I need to hear to help me through, the light I always needed in my life. I may not have been able to save my mom, but I can save you. I know I can. This is the last letter I'll ever write to you because after this, I won't have to write anymore. I'll be able to speak to you in person and not only in my mind. I'll be able to hold you, to kiss you, to love you. I'm going to save you. I promise. You'll never have to worry about anything happening because I'll protect you. You can live your life the way you want. You can have a future full of happiness and love. You can finally get the happy ending you deserve. I love you, Cassiopeia, always. I'll see you soon.
  Love always, Barry.


letters to the stars ° barry allen ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora