discontinued + contest winner

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Cassie was by far one of my favourite characters that I have written. Her story, for me, will live on. I want to leave this story here for you to imagine what happens next. I want everyone to have their own idea about Barry and Cassie's lives together. It's not like I've lost interest in this series, I still have so many ideas for it. I'm just not following through with it. I'd like to leave Cassie and Barry's future together unwritten. The rest of the series is discontinued but Letters To The Stars will remain published in case you ever want to come back and read it. Thank you for all this continuous support on this story, it means so much.

Also, all the entries I got for the contest were absolutely amazing. There can only be one winner though, and that winner is -voidallison ! This manip made my life, I honestly love it so much it makes me cry. It's so beautifully done. It makes me so happy because this was always a scene I imagined of Cassie and Barry in my head. The prizes include: Unlimited covers, Umlimited Crackship gifs, and as many votes on a story of yours (your choice). Thank you for everyone who entered! HERE'S THE BEAUTIFUL EDIT TAYLOR MADE, ENJOY

 Thank you for everyone who entered! HERE'S THE BEAUTIFUL EDIT TAYLOR MADE, ENJOY

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letters to the stars ° barry allen ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora