fifty three

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  BARRY ALLEN may have been smart, but when it came to social situations, he failed

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BARRY ALLEN may have been smart, but when it came to social situations, he failed. High school parties were not his thing.

  Iris West stood at his side, body turned away from him as she chatted up the group of girls that surrounded her. Barry almost tapped her shoulder to pull her away so they could go home, but she was smiling the night away, he didn't want to ruin everyone else's fun.

  He pushed himself off the wall, making his way through the crowd of drunk, sweaty teenagers. Brushing up against so many people all at once made him feel nauseated. He kept moving until he entered the kitchen, where he saw a door.

  Barry rushed to the door, sliding the glass open. The fresh air hit him in an instant, he sighed in relief.

  He stepped out onto the grass, embracing the cool breeze as it grazed against his skin. His head tilted up, looking at the night sky. The canvas was painted black with white specks that appealed to the eye.

  "It's about time you came out here," a voice spoke up, startling him. Barry turned to see his best friend laying in the grass, looking up at the stars.

  " Cassie," he smiled, walking over to the spot where she laid and laid down beside her.

  For minutes, they sat in silence, enjoying each other's presence and the beauty in the stars.

  " They're so beautiful," Cassie spoke, a smile on her face.

  "Yeah," he looked at her, admiring her while she admired the stars," yeah, they are."

  She turned on her side so that she was face to face with him. She thought about her love for the stars. And looking in his eyes, she thought about her love for him.

  " When I was a kid, I was so obsessed with the stars," she said.

  "You aren't now?" She laughed, so light it was almost sweet.

  " It was a lot worse back then."

  " I don't remember it being that bad."

  " I loved the stars so much that I would write letters to each and every constellation," her eyes danced as she thought about it. "I thought that every soul that left earth became a star. That was what heaven was to me. An abundance of stars."

  Barry Allen looked at Cassiopeia, really looked at her. He took in her features, memorizing each and every one of them. He thought about how much he loved her and how beautiful she was. Then, he thought about the letters. He loved the idea of writing letters to the stars, of writing letters to constellation. Maybe he'd do it one day.

  " God, I love you."

  Cassie stared at him, a smile tugging at her lips. For once, he wasn't holding back his feelings. He was being completely honest, open hearted.

  Barry didn't expect an answer. He enjoyed the silence and her presence. He just loved being with her.

  She leaned over and pressed a kiss to his cheek. His cheeks turned red as he bit his lip.

  This is it, he thought. This is love.

  Barry smiled at the memory. He missed her. He missed the stars. He missed the good old days.

  Taking in a deep breath, he gripped onto his pen tightly. The black ink sat on top of the piece of paper, shimmering in the light.

  He felt his heart beat rapidly and tears start to fall down his cheek as he wrote the last letter to the stars.

letters to the stars ° barry allen ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora