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A wave of relief went over the models body as the grip loosened on his shirt collar. He stood up and straightened his posture.

Alya let out a nervous giggle as she faced her friend who had a confused frown on her face. "What are you doing?" She asked, tilting her head sideways.

"I. Erm...uhh..I was..." Alya stuttered out.

"S-she was just happy for me and she...wanted to..hug me?" Adrien said but it sounded more like a question. "With a balled fist?" Marinette crossed her arms and raised a brow.

"Errrm. Well, were Alya's from, that's how they say 'congratulations'!" The blonde scratched his nape nervously, praying that she would buy it.

"Uh-huh? Okay. I'm going to class." Marinette waved and walked off. If you wanna know.. Yeah, she was jealous! But she didn't show it. Damn!

"Nice save." Alya complimented. Though she hates his guts now, he did save hers. "Yeah..Where are you from?" Adrien asked.

"And that my fry, is for me to know and for you to find out." She said, walking off.

Nino came out of his hiding spot. "You're just lucky, dude."

"Marinette! Wait up, girl!" Alya called, running towards her. Marinette stopped at her tracks. Tears were streaming down her face due to her jealousy and anger. "What?!" She yelled and turned around. "What do you want!?"

Alya's eyes widened at her sudden out burst and also at the tears that were dripping down her face. "Are you crying, girl?" She reached her hand to the bluenette's face, only to have it slapped away.

"Why would you do that?!"

"Do what?"

"Adrien! You know I like him!" Marinette yelled out. Alya was than hit with realization. "Of course I do."

"Are you even my friend?!"

"Of course I am."

"You like me?"


"I'm just so worried about her." Tom clutched his head. Sabine made her way towards him and put a reassuring hand on his.

She smiled. "Marinette's a big girl now. You don't have to worry about her." Tom took her hand and pressed it against his lips. "I wonder how she'll take the news?"

"I'm sure she'll take it just fine." Sabine smiled and sat next to her husband. They both cuddled next to each other. At that moment, everything was perfect. They only concentrated on one thing. Them.

❄Hyper Out!✌❄

Be Careful With My Heart [Adrienette] #MLWattyAwardsWhere stories live. Discover now