Chapter 7: Sunday Morning

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Author's sidenote: This chapter will be a little shorter than the usual. I wanted to get the story to where it's supposed to be so the next one will be a little long.

I'm also thinking about a new story so it might or might not be up before Chapter 8. As you all can tell, I've had a lot of extra time to write this week. (LOL)



The bright rays of sun that came through Robyn's hotel curtain stung her eyes. She squinted it open to look at her surroundings. To get away from the blinding light, she buried her head under her pillow. It was then when we her head started pounding.

"Ugh" she grunted, "What the fuck did I drink?" she asked herself.

She moved slightly under the sheets and realized she was wearing the only type of pajama she brought.

"What the fuck? I don't remember putting this on" she thought.

Realizing she cannot escape from the sun, she moved herself up and so she was now sitting on her bed. Robyn looked around. Her white crop top hung haphazardly at the chair near the window and her skirt was by the bathroom door. She felt her headache coming in again. To ease the increasing pain, she massaged her warm temples.

"God, save me from this and I promised that I will never drink again!" she complained.

She held herself up slowly, rubbing her eyes and started heading to the bathroom. Her stomach started turning quickly which caused her to throw up uncontrollably. "This wouldn't happen if my ass stayed in LA" she thought to herself. Her mouth was left with a sour taste as she sat in the corner and rested her head on the bathroom wall.

"Shit" she mumbled.

With all the energy that she has, she tried to propel herself up to the sink to wash her mouth and also her face. The makeup from last night was still in tact.

"At least I get my money's worth from all these expensive makeup I buy." she said, trying cheer herself up just a little bit.

She removed her oversized pajama shirt since it was stained by her vomit. From her bed, she heard her phone ring. It read: Aubrey.

"You know, I've always wondered what it's like to kiss you."

That moment returned back to her. Just that. She couldn't, for the life of her, remember most of the details but she remembered saying that.

"SHIT!" she hissed out loud, "What the fuck else did I say last night!?"

She let the phone ring for a while, but she needed to answer him. She couldn't leave him hanging.

"Hey," she said.

"Finally! I'm almost there with breakfast for us. How do you feel?"

She felt a little bit at ease. He sounded completely normal.

"Like hell, you better have some Advil and coffee!"

"I got it, boss."

Right after his last response, she already heard him knock on the door. She looked down to see that she had nothing else on her but her underwear. Immediately, she ran to her suitcase and looked for anything to wear but all she had was what she was going to wear to go home. "Great, you underpack clothes when you need it. Good job, Robyn!" she told herself.

"Fuck! I can't wear these, these are my last clean clothes."

Trying to hurry up, she just grabbed her outfit from last night and quickly opened the door to let Aubrey in. Her hair was still a little bit of a mess.

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