I decide to ignore her 'message' and instead focus that I won! Yay!!!!!!!
"So, you ready for some serious shopping?" Cilan asked. I nod slowly. Never liked shopping.
"Cool, now let's get started!"
"I'm not sure this is the right one..." I mumble. Currently I'm wearing a BIG pink shirt, long blue baggy pants, shiny brown boots and a sparkly hat with a green feather. Crazy, huh. Cilan chose it!!
I get back into the change room and change back to my light black shirt, tight blue jeans and dark blue sneakers. I look around.
"what about these?" I ask holding out some entirely black clothes. Cilan stares at it."No way!" He exclaims. "There is no spice, no taste, no... Zing Zang! All girls must have that..." He ends with a whimper. His outburst attracts a lot if unwanted attention. I shake my head at Cilan.
"Cilan, I like these clothes. I'm going to go train a bit, so I recommend going to the cooking school." With that, I turn away from him and walk away.
A/N I'm not gonna lie, I don't like this story anymore, I'm just going to stop and possibly remove it before I've even published one Chapter... I'll publish one and I'll see how it goes.