18) You fight and then make up.

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George; Whilst George was on tour you'd made good friends with Niall Horan. Just friends, but George was a little paranoid over this, the constant rumours created by the media didn't help either. That's how you ended up arguing over Skype. "look (Y/N) I can't deal with this right now, I can do without you stressing me out all the time. It's over" and with that he ended the call. Tears poured down your cheeks, you love George, how could you live without him? How could he not see you'd never cheat?!

*3 hours after*

You found a voicemail on your phone off George, leaning against the wall you sinked to the floor listening intently. "I am so sorry hunny, I don't know whats wrong with me. I meant nothing I trust you 100%, it just got to me. I'm coming home now. My mind isn't on the tour knowing i've hurt you."

Josh; Josh had just come home, slamming the door he started shouting ridiculous accusations at you. You gasped in shock, shaking a little when he stormed over to you, you've never seen him this angry. He breathed deeply "I'm sorry babe, please forgive me." Without giving you a chance to answer his lips pressed against yours, kissing you roughly, you kissed back just as desperately. Pulling you towards his body, his lips moved down your neck sending little tingles down your spot. Your hands ran over his stomach, caressing his perfect body, hurriedly taking his top off. Lets just say it's true what they say about make up sex.

JJ; You were applying your make up for a girls night out when JJ walked in and sat on the bed watching you. Once you finished applying your eyeliner you turned to look at him. He sighed and said "why are you always out now?  It's like you don't wanna spend time with me, only when i'm buying you something". You gasped, that was like a slap in the face. Walking out the house, you trembled, letting the tears pour down your cheeks. His words hurt a lot and you weren't that type of girl, you'd always told him you weren't with him for his money.

*4 hours later*

You walked into the lounge to see JJ holding a huge teddy bear out to you and apologising. Of course you forgave him, you love him and he loves you. That's all that matters.

Jaymi; You were on a night out with your boyfriend Jaymi and his band mates; JJ, George and Josh. All night it felt like Jaymi was ignoring you, you knew he liked socializing but why bring you along if he wasn't even going to look at you never mind dance or talk with you. You sat at the bar with Josh doing shots of tequila. After a few of them you gained the confidence to go and confront Jaymi. Pulling him away from the crowd you confronted him about how you feel and how hurt you felt. To your dismay he didn't apologise or even try and argue your point so you walked out. Why bother when he didn't care?

As you were taking the last drag of your cigarette ready to get a taxi home, Jaymi came running towards you. He spoke apologetically "I'm sorry babe. I was a twat to you tonight. Your my princess and you deserve all my attention." You smiled and wrapped your arms around him, you were still a little hurt but it took guts to  apologise.

(A/N - Thank you for the reads! If you've read all of my preferences in this book will you comment letting me know whats your favourite and why. Thank you if you do, much love)

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