46) Bad boys

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George; You look at the brown eyed boy winking at a girl with blonde hair with very little clothes on nearby as he strummed on his guitar showing off. He was cute, you had to admit but god didn't he know it. Before you realised you were staring he blew a kiss in your direction smirking. The boy next to him nudging George, probably gossiping about what girl they are going to sleep with next.

Josh; As you rushed to your next class you accidentally walked into someone "sorry" you mumbled, trying to walk past until the person grabbed your shoulders. "Whoaa, where you rushing to pretty girl?" he smirked, checking you out. You sighed, rushing off down the hall, hearing a wolf whistle as you went past. What a player, a hot one though.

JJ; You walked outside the house for some fresh air, the party was in full swing but you weren't feeling it. As you leant against the wall you saw the popular JJ Hamblett who you've had a crush on for a while."hey" he said, pulling out a cigarette. His big, beautiful lips forming a perfect 'o' as he blew out the smoke. "You look beautiful tonight" he said. Throwing the cigarette down he moved closer to you, attatching his lips to yours, his toned torso pressing against yours.

Jaymi; You saw him coming out from the headmasters office, he got in a fight again but this was the first time he looked like he'd lost it. "Like what you see?" he remarked, obviously seeing you looking. "Ermm" You blushed, not knowing how to answer. "It's alright love, I'd stare at me too" he said as he walked off to join the group of lads outside smoking and flirting with girls.

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