#1 - Drew's accident... PART 1

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WARNING: This story contains self-harm, it can be triggering!

Today we're in Amsterdam. Drew said to me he's looking forwards to the show. I'm touring with them and I decided to stand between the audience in the front. The fans come in, and at eight o'clock The Tide is on stage. They sing Falling In Love Tonight first. I need to lift my head up because the stage is really high. After Falling In Love Tonight they perform Young Love. I see my boyfriend Drew walking forwards to the edge of the stage concentrating on his guitar. And then, the worst thing ever happens... I see Drew falling off stage on his head. I'm panicking right now, the audience is screaming my ears off my head. I climb over the fence and run to him. DREW! DREW! BABY, WAKE UP! I scream to him while crying. The other boys stopped immediately with singing and run to me and Drew. SOMEBODY CALL AN AMBULANCE! Austin screams to the security guards. After five minutes the ambulance is here. They carry Drew and I go with the ambulance to the hospital. The nurses lay him on his bed. He lays still with his eyes closed. Drew...please wake up... The nurse comes in. And? Is he okay? I ask. Miss Y/L/N? She asks. Yes, yes that's me. Is he okay? I ask worried. The nurse looks at me. He's in a coma... She almost whispers. I can't believe what she juist said. My world breaks in a million pieces. I can't see straight. Black shapes are dancing before my eyes. I can't get them away. No... I whisper, looking at Drew. No..no..NO! I scream at the nurse. She quickly leaves the room. I sit next to his bed on a chair. I lay my head on Drew's chest. It smells nice. Like Drew. Still with my head on his chest, I'm starting to cry. Why now Drew, I love you so much. I've never cried this much. Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around, to see Levi, Nate, and Austin standing behind me. I'm so sorry for you, Y/N. Levi whispers. I feel a tear falling from my cheek. I turn around and run away from the boys. This has to be over. My life has to be over. I'm done with it. I grab my phone and I hide behind a wall. The boys won't find me. I know there's a bridge near. I look at my phone and see where I have to go. I run to the bridge. I can't see that much because my eyes are filled with tears. I run on the bridge. I place my both feet on the edge of the bridge. It's really high. I look down. I see the cars underneath the bridge stop and the people in there grabbing their phones. I need to jump now, I mean really now. When the police comes it's over. I bend my knees and are ready to jump, but someone pulls on my shirt and I fall in someone's arms. WHAT DID YOU DO, JUST LET ME GO, FORGET ME, I DON'T WANT TO BE HERE. I scream to the person who ruined my life. Shhh, it's okay, come here Y/N. The boy says. I recognise that voice, it's Nate. I cry into his shirt. I just can't live with Drew looking like that, please let me end my life, my life has no purpose anymore, please Nate, let me go. I say crying. I feel he doesn't agree, because he holds me in his strong hug. Come, let's go home, I just get a phone call and I think you all want to hear it. Austin says. Levi hooks his arm with mine. I'm not a baby Levi. You say still frustrated after being 'saved'. You did act like a baby, so you can complain how much you want, but I'm not going to listen. You may have lost Drew, but it's not forever. If you jumped and Drew woke up, he would go straight after you. We also don't want to lose you Y/N, remember that. Levi says. We are at Levi's house. Y/N, you stay here tonight. He commands. No, I don't stay here. I answer him. You can't go to Drew's house now, and I guess you would sleep a night under the bridge or in heaven if you succeed, am I right? Nate says commanding. I sigh. They're right. We stay here too man, if you don't mind. Austin asks Levi. About the phone call, it's from Drew's nurse. She did some tests and he reacted to all the tests. So that could mean he maybe wakes up tomorrow. Austin says. I feel suddenly really happy. Drew maybe wakes up tomorrow! The boys and I decide to have a movie night. Austin, Levi and Nate want to watch a horror. I don't mind which movie we're going to watch, I can hug Drew maybe tomorrow if he wakes up! Nate suggests to watch Sinister 2 and I agree. We all have watched Sinister 1, so I really want to watch this movie. It's so weird to lay down on my best friend Austin's chest instead of Drew's chest. Austin, Levi and Nate are so kind to me. The movie was finished but I fell asleep on Austin's chest. I feel Austin carrying me to a bed. I'm still sleeping. I open my eyes a little bit and Austin sits down on the bed after he pulled the blanket over me. Am I in Levi's bed? I ask sleepy. Yeah, we're sleeping on a matras next to the bed, so if anything isn't right, wake us up, would you do that for us Y/N? Austin asks. Yeah I promise. I say still sleepy. Thank you, go have some sleep, it was a long day for you, you need some rest, you don't want to be sleepy when Drew wakes up. Austin says whispering. I close my eyes and I fall asleep. Around midnight I feel someone shaking me, and I wake up. What are you doing, are you crazy. I say to Nate, who shook me awake. Austin and Levi look to me like I have done something really strange. I look at Nate's hands. Blood. Nate what's wrong?! I ask scared. Look.. at.. your.. arms.. Levi says. My arms are full with scratches and it seems like I made them. My nails are covered with blood. I look to Nate's hands and see the same scratches as I have on my arms. Did I do this to you? I ask Nate. Don't mind Y/N, you were having a terrible nightmare. You kept screaming Drew's name. I'm okay Y/N, wait a minute for me, we need to clean your arms and my hands. Nate says. He walks downstairs and grabs a towel with water. He cleans my arms and I start crying. I can't keep my nightmare secret. Come here. Levi says while giving me a hug. I dreamed about... Drew was dieing in my arms. I stroked his forehead and his breath stopped, the nurses were in the doorway, watching me cry and they didn't do anything. I say while crying. Remember Y/N, it isn't real. Come here, we're here to protect you from your nightmares. Go get some sleep, please, you need it. Levi says while guiding me to my bed. Goodnight. I say to the boys and this time I fall asleep happily. I wake up because Austin stroked my arm and whispered: wake up, Y/N, we're almost going to Drew. I put on my clothes and we go to the hospital. I immediately go sit in the chair and grab Drew's hand. Please, love, wake up Drew, I can't live without you. I say. I feel the tears in my eyes. Nate strokes my back, trying to comfort me. I smile at Nate. I suddenly feel a little squeeze in my hand. Guys.. I'm sure I felt a little squeeze, I'm not kidding. I say happily. The boys smile. Please wake up Drew, I know you're here. I say to him. I give Drew a little kiss on his cheek. Please, Drew, please. And then, I feel like a child at the first time in the funfair. Drew's eyes slowly open and he immediately smiles at me. Y/N.. He says. Who are those boys over there? He asks while pointing at Austin, Nate and Levi...

Cliffhanger! I hope you like the story! Next week the next part will be online!

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