Austin Imagine for Stephanie

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It's halloween. Stephanie, are you coming? Austin calls. I'm almost done with my make-up. I add the finishing touch, and go downstairs. I decide to scare Austin. I hide behind a wall, and stay silent. When he comes around the corner, I jump towards him. RAAAHHHHH! I scream. I see him looking scared. What the hell Stephanie?! Wow you're scary!!! He says. Haha thanks! I say, while giving him a hug. Ewww, there's coming blood on my shirt! Austin says. I laugh.

Let's go to Drew's and scare him. I heard Nate will be there too. Austin says. I nod. We walk out of our house, and go to Drew's. We knock at his door. He and Nate open it. Oh, hi guys! Drew says. Uhmm, you're not scared? I ask. Nope, not even a little. Nate says.

Shit... I say. Don't worry, we'll help you. Drew says. Really? I ask. Sure. Nate says.

We go upstairs, and go to the bathroom. Drew, you'll help Austin, I'll do Stephanie. Nate says. Drew nods. I go sit in front of Nate, and he grabs some make-up. Where did you get that? I ask. I always have that for halloween-emergency-cases. He says. I smile.

After 15 minutes, Nate and Drew say, we're done. I look into the mirror, and I almost scream. The boys laugh. I think I'm scary enough. I say. Defenitely. Nate says. Hey, we gotta go, so will you two lock the houseDrew asks. Sure. Austin says. Drew and Nate leave.

We can watch a movie, and go scare Levi after that. Austin suggests. Sounds perfect. I say. We walk to Drew's cough, and lay on it. I lay with my head on Austin's chest. Drew, are you seriousAustin asks, as he scrolls through Drew's movies. Nothing else but SpidermanHe says, with an unbelievable tone in his voice. I laugh. Ah! That's better. He says, as he shows The Conjuring 2. I sigh. Just tonight, for the rest of the year, no more horrors. I say. He smirks. We'll see. He mumbles. I'm already scared, and the movie hasn't even start yet. I wrap my arms around Austin's torso, and he wraps his arms around my waist.

The movie is finished, and to say it was extremely scary, was quite the understatement. Let's go to Levi's now. Austin says. I nod. We walk out the house, and lock the door behind us. To go to Levi's house, we must go through the park. It's not like a scary park. It's a park, where Austin and I love to date. But as everything at night, the park just seems so much more scary.

We walk through the park. Suddenly we hear a branch snap. We look behind us, but nobody's there. We look forward, and nobody's there either. Austin, I don't like this.. I say honestly. I know babe, we're almost at the end of this park. He says. I nod.

Suddenly Austin is being pulled away, and I can't see him anymore. I'm standing alone on the path. AUSTIN?!  I scream.

Don't move... A dark voice behind me says. By now, I was in tears. I don't wanna look behind me. Do you wanna see your beloved boyfriend again?  The voice says. Yes...Yes, yes! A thousand times yes!  I say, while crying.

Suddenly I see Austin, he is being hold by two men. I can't see their faces, but one man pulls a knife to Austin's throat. NO!  I scream. We're only letting him go, if you say that Levi Jones is the best pokémon Master. The voice says.

I turn around, only to be met by Levi's blue eyes. ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?!  I scream. I look behind me. Austin is laughing, and the two men, are joining him. I see that the two men, are Drew, and Nate.

I sit on the path, with my head in my hands. Austin comes up from behind me, and wraps his arms around my waist. Happy Halloween babeHe says. I smie, and turn around to face him. Happy Halloween, handsomeI say, and peck him on the lips.

He seems annoyed, and pulls me back, and closes the gap between us. It became a full make-out session. EwwWe hear Drew say. We turn around and go home.

This was defenitely the best Halloween I've ever had!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

NateHemmings, hope you liked it! Sorry it took so long. Don' forget to vote, comment, and smile!❤

If you want a personal imagine, please go to the A/N chapter of my book!

Later haters

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