|Chapter IX|

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Ivypool was the first person to wake up in the Dark Forest. She was sitting in their usual clearing, waiting for everyone to show up. She closed her eyes, letting the silence engulf her. The silent moment was short lived.

"You got here early."

Ivypool opened her eyes to see MS staring at her. His face was close to hers, and she jumped back. MS purred with amusement.

"You seem jumpy for a Dark Forest Warrior," he commented.

Ivypool huffed. "If you were in my position, would you jump?"

"I wouldn't even flinch."

Ivypool winced at his comment, then looked away, avoiding his empty gaze.

"What's up with your eyes?" Ivypool blurted out.

MS seemed unfazed by her question. His white pinprick pupils looked at her, trying to get her to look at him. He gave up trying.

"It depends on the power I'm using, or how I feel," MS explained.

"What does blue mean?" Ivypool asked.

"Blue is my actual eye color, my parents had blue eyes. I let them show when I feel comfortable around someone."

Ivypool looked at MS. He felt comfortable around her? She blinked, her whiskers twitching. They stood there in silence till Tigerheart and Breezepelt showed up. They were laughing about, well, something...

"Welcome back, you two," MS greeted them.

Beetlewhisker ran into the clearing, skidding to a halt right before he hit Tigerheart.

"You seem to be in a hurry," Tigerheart snorted.

"Sorry, it just feels good to run through the forest without all that thick fog," Beetlewhisker apologized.

Ivypool looked around. Beetlewhisker was right, there wasn't a layer of fog clouding their vision anymore. It must've gone away when MS showed up.

"Now, for today's exercise, you will be paired with a Dark Forest Warrior," MS stated.

"Paired with one of them?" Breezepelt huffed.

MS looked at the WindClan tom, his ears twitching with annoyance.

"You will be building trust with these Warriors, I plan to bring them back to the Clans once we can trust them again," MS explained. "I'll get the four I plan to pair with you today."

MS' eyes turned an electric purple, his gaze fixed on something unseen. Four cats appeared in the clearing, each on equally confused. Ivypool groaned. Mapleshade is here.

"Beetlewhisker, you're paired with Mapleshade."

Beetlewhisker's ears slightly flattened, but he noticed his mistake and stopped them from going any further back. Mapleshade walked over to him, still slightly confused from the random teleport.

"Tigerheart, you're with Clawface. Breezepelt, you're with Darkstripe. And Ivypool, you're with Thistleclaw."

Ivypool walked up to Thistleclaw, a little wary. Thistleclaw looked at her, his gaze steady. She held his gaze, trying to figure out what he was thinking. She inwardly gasped. Was that sadness and regret in his eyes? They stared at each other for a minute longer till Thistleclaw broke the silence.

"Are we just going to stand here all night or what?" He asked.

Ivypool shook her head, clearing her thoughts.

"I want you all to do trust exercises, I don't care what they are so long as they build trust," MS told the Clan Warriors.

MS disapeared and reappeared in a tree branch that loomed high above them. Ivypool looked up at him before looking at Thistleclaw again. The Dark Forest cat was looking off into the distance, his eyes dull.

"Why do you look so sad?" Ivypool asked quietly.

Thistleclaw looked at Ivypool, his fur bristling before he sighed.

"I just wish I made some better decision, maybe then I would be in StarClan with the one I love," he said, his voice panged with regret.

Thistleclaw hadn't been like this while Brokenstar was alive, maybe because he didn't want to look weak. Ivypool's gaze softened, her emotions changing towards the tom.

"Maybe MS can get you into StarClan," she suggested.

"You think so?" Thistleclaw asked, his mew full of hope.

Ivypool twitched her whiskers and looked up at the towering trees.

"MS?" She called.

Two white pinpricks showed through the trees, the creepy gaze watching her. She shook her pelt out, trying to get the burning feeling of being watched out of her fur. MS jumped down from the tree he was in, landing next to Ivypool.

"What is it?" MS questioned.

"Do you think... You could get Thistleclaw into StarClan?"

MS blinked at her, then twitched his ear.

"Of course I can," he answered.

Thistleclaw's eyes lit up, his excitement showing only through them.

"Why do you want to go to StarClan? For a good reason I assume?"

Thistleclaw nodded, "The one I love is in StarClan, I was chased out a long time ago."

MS blinked, his eyes turning a deep blue, like the night sky. He teleported, Thistleclaw and Ivypool coming with him. Rivers and trees were around them, and a starry sky rose above them. Thistleclaw looked awed; Ivypool wondered when the last time he saw a starry sky was.


Ivypool turned her head to see a white She-Cat. The tips of her ears and tail were black, and her eyes were blue. They reminded Ivypool of Bluestar's eyes. The snowy cat walked up to Thistleclaw, her nose nuzzling his fur. Another voice rang out.

"What is he doing here?"

|Hello my bbys, who do you think asked that question, eh? Anyways, read on!|

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