XXVI - Fireworks

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Jojo's back and I dunno if I'm happy about it



Chapter Twenty-Six

The two of them began to walk through the streets after realizing that they both had been left alone by their friends, and as the time went on, they ended up sharing stories of the holiday that neither of them seemed to like.

Loki told her the legends of Jul, while Seline told him of the Midgardian holiday that involved a giant light-up ball in New York City, kisses at the stroke of midnight, and parties that rivaled some of the best that the rest of the year had to offer. It was a nice thing, the two of them sharing about their different worlds. Seline loved the legends, and Loki marveled at the strange customs of the Midgardians, but enjoyed hearing about them as well.

One thing that was similar about the two versions was the fireworks, which the Aesir would be viewing tonight.

After having one too many drinks at the tavern, the two found themselves wandering the streets as the fireworks were about to start.

"It would be nice to find an area that isn't crowded," Seline muttered, glancing up at the swiftly darkening sky and then back at the people, who were all scurrying around in an attempt to find the perfect place to view the fireworks.

She looked over to see a bit of a smirk form on Loki's face.

"What? You have an idea for a viewing spot?" she laughed a little.

He grinned a little. "A place no one else will be."

With that, he took her hand in his and led her to the castle. Her skin felt like it was tingling, but she ignored the feeling.

They ran together through the halls, ignoring the looks they received from the servants and nobles that lingered in the passageways.

They soon came to a set of large double doors at the end of a hallway, and after he tried to open the locked door, he turned to smirk at her. He raised his right hand, and it was soon encased in a golden light. He moved his hand in a clockwise motion, and a fairly quiet click was heard. He grinned and opened the door, then waved his arm in a "ladies first" motion.

When Seline entered the room, she saw that it was a study. It had a large, golden desk in the middle, and was surrounded by huge book cases with almost as many books at the palace library had. It even had a fireplace in the corner. And behind the desk as a set of double glass-paned doors, which Loki soon walked to. He pushed them open, and though she could see the view through the glass, it was so much more magnificent in the plain and clear light.

She smiled a little. "It's quite beautiful."

He smiled a little at her. "You know, we are not actually allowed to be in here. This is the Allfather's study."

"I see that they don't call you the God of Mischief for nothing."

"Tell me, my dear," he said, opening the door and leading her out onto the balcony. They both went to the railing, looking over it and down at the many people. "What else do they call me?"

"Silvertongue is by far the most popular," she smirked. "I can see why."

"Oh, really?"

"Yes. You are quite the charmer."

He chuckled a little. "Interesting how I never was quite able to charm you, isn't it?"

She only hummed in reply, getting distracted by the view below her. The balcony was placed fairly high, and it was a rather long fall if she were to lean over, but she wasn't nervous. Not even in the slightest. And Loki took notice of that.

"Most people would have shown at least a little bit of fear by now. Why do you not?"

"I'm sure you know by now," she said, being as cryptic and mysterious as always.

"Because of what you are?" He asked.

She nodded, continuing to look at the people below.

She would have kept watching them, perfectly content, had his constant puzzled stare not begun to bare a hole in her.

"What are you thinking about?" She asked him, finally looking him in the eyes.

He stayed quiet for a moment, then spoke.

"Do you know why I chose you, Seline?" he asked.

She shrugged her shoulders. "I haven't even the slightest idea, in all honesty."

"It's because you looked at me. You didn't just glance down at my feet, you watched me. You stared me in the eyes, and you were not afraid of me. There are very few people that did not show instant hatred or fear for me after all I have done, and you are one of them. Perhaps I wanted to know why. But I believe that even if I did know the reason, that would not take away the allure to the light you have brought to this kingdom," he said, turning to face her and taking his attention off of the fireworks, which had begun halfway through the words he spoke to her. "However, I must know. Are you not afraid of me?"

"Of course not," she replied.

"Why not?"

"Because I don't see anything to be afraid of. You don't frighten me, Loki. Perhaps it has something to do with what I am but I do not feel any hatred or fear when I look at you. I wasn't even intimidated by the fact that you were royalty. I do not feel fear unless someone I love is in danger. That's just who I am."

He was completely silent. His lips were parted and he seemed at a lost for words.

"But you, Loki, I..." She bit her lip. "I can't really figure it out. I look at you and I wonder why everyone could hate you so much. I mean, of course, you have killed people, but... You weren't yourself when you did. I don't think it was your fault," She said.

He swallowed, glancing down for a moment before looking back at her.

"I know how much you cared for your mother, and even for Thor and Odin at one point. And I know that anyone who is capable of loving others is not as horrible as people may say."

They stayed silent, almost completely unaware that the fireworks had gone off and started to shoot into the sky and burst already. Her eyes widened a little when she realized exactly what she had said, and what she could have said. What she could have admitted.

"I think I need to rest, my lord," she said, smiling a little nervously. "A little two many drinks, I suppose."

He didn't say anything, even as she walked through the study and out into the hall.

She had no idea about words he wanted to say to her to express exactly how he felt.

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