XLIV - You Can't Kill Me

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Jordan said he'd give me money if I updated so here I am


The song for this is Hide and I am not putting the remix/singer name because the name is too fucking long okay I DON'T GOT TIME FOR THAT and it's the nightcore version and if you don't like nightcore then I hate you

Oh and yes there is a Teen Wolf reference in here broskis


Chapter Fourty-Four

No matter how much she hated the idea, there was one more thing that Seline needed to do before she left for Europe, where she believed the answers to her questions would lie.

The pack that had killed vampires and attacked the helicarrier had been given orders by the Alpha, and the Alpha's word was law. The Alpha was to blame for every attack that had occurred. He would pay for what he had done, and she would make sure of it.

This was proven when she found herself in the now empty pack house, the wolves that had tried to retaliate now all either knocked out or dead. She did what she had to. That was all.

This Alpha... In a way he was almost like her. He had lost the one he loved most, and had taken revenge. She had done this countless times. But unlike him, she did not kill those that were innocent. She killed those that either attacked her first, or that killed those she loved.

But this man had taken away Megan, and other vampires that she had known. He needed to feel consequences for his actions, and she would be the one to show him.

She was judge, jury, and executioner.

After she had killed all those that he had sent her way, he knew that she was one who was not to be messed with. In reality, it was as if he wanted to die. He ran through the pack house, but never tried to get outside. Perhaps he knew that there was no point in trying to run. He may have been a werewolf, and he may have been an Alpha, but she was an immortal. She had his strength ten fold, four times his speed, and she was a millennium old. She was more powerful than him, and he knew it.

He was now in front of the training room, only to find it locked. He knew that there would be weapons there he could use. He removed the master key that he had chained around his neck, and shakily shoved into into the lock. When he successfully opened the door, he turned to look down both ends of the hallway and make sure that she wasn't there, only to be hit in the centre of the chest by Seline's foot. His back hit the partially opened doors, and he crashed through them and onto the floor of the training room.

She followed after him, and his eyes went wide with fear. The fear intensified when he saw her take something from one of the weapons racks near the doors. It was a quarter staff, and as she held it with her right hand only, she turned to look at him with a blank and equally terrifying expression.

He struggled to stand on his feet, and when he finally did, he held his closed fists out in front of him in defence. He backed up again, shuffling backwards and unable to stay aware of his surroundings. All he really knew was that she was in front of him, and ready to kill him. He was scared of her, and yet, she took no pleasure in that.

"You thought you could hurt me, didn't you?" she asked, though it was more of a statement than a question. Her jaws clenched and she raised the staff, only to bring it down to the side as if it were a whip.

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